Sunday, October 16, 2022

Caught on camera: As massive fire engulfs Istanbul skyscraper, flames rip through all floors

As a massive fire engulfed a high-rise building in Turkey’s Istanbul, flames were seen ripping through all floors.

India Today Web Desk
New Delhi,
UPDATED: Oct 16, 2022 

A screengrab from the video

By India Today Web Desk: As a massive fire tore through a huge tower block in Turkey’s Istanbul, flames were seen ripping through all the floors. Footage from the incident shows smoke spreading across the night sky as flames burn the tower.

The incident took place in Fikirtepe in Istanbul with its videos circulating on social media.

The video also shows the presence of emergency response vehicles surrounding the burning tower as crowds gather to watch.

There have been conflicting reports as to whether the tower block is a hotel or a residential building and the cause of the blaze is not yet known.

The latest videos from the scene show the blaze more under control with most of the fire put out.

The incident comes days after another similar fire broke out in the same area of the city.

Last weekend, a reported gas leak led to a huge explosion in another residential building in Fikirtepe that killed three people and injured another.

During that fire, Istanbul Governor Ali Yerlikaya said: "The explosion occurred on the top floor of the building and the fire spread to a neighbouring building".

The fourth person was a foreigner, but their nationality was not confirmed.

Both fires devastated the same part of the city's only a week apart.

The first blaze on October 9 was caused by an explosion that occurred on the second floor of a three-storey building in the Fikirtepe neighbourhood at 7 pm that day.

It spread to the two buildings next door after successive explosions and firefighters were able to bring it under control after about an hour. However, a ten-year-old girl and her 68-year-old grandfather died along with another person and the child's father was injured due to smoke inhalation, according to Ali Yerlikaya

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