Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Philippines: Hands off labour rights defenders

Trade unionists in the Philippines are asking for urgent messages of solidarity in the face of what they are calling "relentless attacks" against labour rights defenders in the country.

On 10 October 2022, two labour activists, Kara Taggaoa and Larry Valbuena were arrested on trumped-up charges of direct assault, without any arrest warrant. The two have been released after posting bail. Kara and Larry are only two among the hundreds of labour rights defenders, workers, and trade unionists who have been subjected to various forms of threats and harassment for fighting for labour and human rights. 

The attacks against activists have been relentless since former President Rodrigo Duterte declared war against activism, perpetuating the culture of impunity and promoting the vilification of activists through 'red-tagging' -- the branding of these activists as Communists or terrorists. 

These attacks are bound to continue, if not worsen under the watch of the new president Ferdinand Marcos, the son of the dictator and human rights violator Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

Please take a moment to show your support here.


Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights

We hereby invite representatives and employees of trade unions throughout the world to nominate candidates for next year's award of the Arthur Svensson international prize for trade union rights. 

The prize amount is NOK 500,000 (approx. EUR/USD 47.500). 

Since 2010 the Svensson prize has been awarded to persons and organizations that has worked predominately to promote trade union rights and organizing around the world. Amongst the previous winners we find leaders and activists of textile workers in Cambodia, independent trade unions in Belarus and Kazakhstan, LabourStart and many more. Last year the health workers’ union in Liberia and their leader was awarded the prize.

The nomination deadline is January the 1st 2023. The nominees will be judged on to what extent the person or organization has promoted union rights and/or union organizing in the world. 

More on the award here -

Previous winners here -

For justified nominations please use this form - 

Nominations can also be sent with attachments to 


And please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Eric Lee

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