Thursday, October 13, 2022

Smith's discrimination remark making Alberta an international embarrassment: NDP

EDMONTON — Alberta’s Opposition NDP leader says Premier Danielle Smith has made the province an international embarrassment by proclaiming those who didn’t get vaccinated during COVID-19 endured the worst discrimination she's seen in her lifetime.

Smith's discrimination remark making Alberta an international embarrassment: NDP© Provided by The Canadian Press

Rachel Notley says the United Conservative Party premier needs towithdraw the comment, apologize and be clear where she stands on previous controversial statements, including that smoking isn't necessarily bad for your health and about patients having control over whether they get early-stage cancer.

“Over the last 48 hours, I’ve been overwhelmed by thousands and thousands of folks reaching out to me who feel deeply hurt and frankly a little fearful as a result of the comments coming from our new premier,” Notley said Thursday.

“We understand that hundreds of thousands of Albertans face discrimination each and every day because of characteristics over which they have no choice.

Notley said the story has made international headlines, including one published online earlier Thursday in the U.S.-based Forbes magazine, which is published in various editions around the world.

“This is a story about Alberta in one of the world’s most well-read economic publications,” said Notley.

“It is a story that hurts Alberta’s reputation, and we will now have to spend months undoing it.”

Smith, 51, made the discrimination comment at a news conference Tuesday, hours after she was sworn in as premier.

“(The unvaccinated) have been the most discriminated-against group that I've ever witnessed in my lifetime,” she said.

"I don't think I've ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, not allowed to get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border.”

Related video: Unvaccinated are Alberta's 'most discriminated' group, new premier says
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Minority groups, health professionals and some premiers across Canada condemned the remarks as ridiculous and insensitive, pointing out that in Smith’s lifetime there was still forced sterilization, residential schools and bans on gay marriage.

As furor escalated Wednesday, Smith’s office issued a statement clarifying that she did not seek to minimize the experiences of other discriminated groups. The statement did not withdraw her original comment or offer an apology.

Smith’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Smith won the leadership of Alberta’s governing UCP last week to become the new premier on a promise of no more vaccine mandates or health restrictions that violate personal liberties.

A former journalist, Smith stated in early 2021: “My entire adult life and career has been spent questioning authority and institutions and conventional wisdom.”

In a May 2003 column for the Calgary Herald newspaper, she questioned whether smoking is harmful to one’s health. “The evidence shows moderate cigarette consumption can reduce traditional risks of disease by 75 per cent or more," she wrote.

In October 2012, as leader of the Opposition Wildrose Party, Smith said those in poverty should be fed beef tainted with E.coli, so the unsellable product didn't go to waste.

“We all know meat can be safely eaten if cooked properly,” Smith tweeted.

As a radio talk show host in 2020, she retweeted — and later apologized for doing so — a false claim that the drug hydroxychloroquine could defeat COVID-19. A year later, she backed ivermectin, a livestock anti-parasite medication, which was touted and later debunked as a possible COVID-19 cure.

This past July, during the UCP leadership campaign, Smith released a video of her interview with a naturopath in which Smith says responsibility for early-stage cancer is within a person's control. Patients and health professionals called the comment profoundly misinformed and cruel.

Smith's leadership opponents criticized her, including one who had lost his son to cancer, and she apologized for the hurt she had caused.

She said she had expressed herself "awkwardly'' and meant to say preventive health measures are just one more way to combat early-stage cancer.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 13, 2022.

Dean Bennett, The Canadian Press


Alberta's Smith says she didn't mean to trivialize with comment on unvaccinated

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says she didn't mean to trivialize prejudice faced by minority communities when she suggested unvaccinated people have experienced the most discrimination she has ever seen in her lifetime.

© Provided by The Canadian Press

Smith's comment on her first day as premier drew criticism from across Canada — including British Columbia Premier John Horgan, who called it "laughable," and at least one Jewish group that says it reached out to her office to express concern.

Smith said in a statement Wednesday that she intended to underline the mistreatment of individuals who chose not to be vaccinated.

"I want to be clear that I did not intend to trivialize in any way the discrimination faced by minority communities and other persecuted groups or create any false equivalencies to the terrible historical discrimination and persecution suffered by so many minority groups," said the statement.

Smith was sworn in Tuesday as Alberta's new premier after the United Conservative Party elected her in a leadership race to replace Jason Kenney as leader and premier.

Later in the day, at her first news conference as premier, Smith said she would shake up the top tier of the health system within three months and amend provincial human rights law to protect those who choose not to get vaccinated for diseases including COVID-19.

"(The unvaccinated) have been the most discriminated-against group that I’ve ever witnessed in my lifetime," said the 51-year-old.

"I don't think I've ever experienced a situation in my lifetime where a person was fired from their job or not allowed to watch their kids play hockey or not allowed to go visit a loved one in long-term care or hospital, not allowed to get on a plane to either go across the country to see family or even travel across the border."

Horgan, who is to step down as B.C.'s NDP premier later this year, responded to Smith's comment Wednesday in an interview with C-FAX Radio in Victoria.

"It's laughable, quite frankly," Horgan said when asked about the comment.

Horgan said the global community has gone through an unprecedented time with the COVID-19 pandemic — "nothing like this in over a hundred years going back to the Spanish influenza."

He said the country is also dealing with a toxic drug supply that's killing people and running out of people to provide health services.

"For the incoming premier to focus on a sliver of the population who chose not to get vaccinated when there are all these other challenges seems short-sighted to me. And I just disagree with her. I believe the vast majority of Canadians understood we had a collective responsibility."

Alberta Health data shows more than 82 per cent of the province's total population has received a first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and nearly 78 per cent of the population has two doses.

Duane Bratt, a political scientist at Mount Royal University in Calgary, said Smith's comment would be laughable if she wasn't the premier.

"This shows what drove her campaign and who her supporters are," he said.

Bratt said Smith's comment is offensive because there has been a lot of discrimination in the past 50-plus years.

"We still had forced sterilization. We had residential schools up until the 1990s," he said. "We didn't have gay marriage until (2005)."

Bratt said race, religion, sexual orientation and disabilities are not choices.

"Those are things that you have and that's why we don't allow discrimination based on that," he said. "Deciding not to be vaccinated is a choice."

Some Alberta groups, mayors and civic leaders also expressed concerns about Smith's comments.

"We … are keen on meeting with the premier to discuss antisemitism, discrimination in our community and others in Alberta, the need for mandatory Holocaust education, and the story of Alberta's Jewish community," wrote Jewish Edmonton.

Alex Montiel, the CEO of Diversecities, a community organization that works with marginalized groups in Calgary, said he hopes Smith reflects on what she said.

“We understand that being unable to retain or find a job, having restricted mobility across the country, or not being allowed to enter a public gathering based on a medical choice can be considered discrimination," Montiel said in a statement.

"However, this is incomparable to the uncountable cases of people who have been verbally and physically assaulted in the street while walking with their children, demanding them to return to where they belong because they are of Asian descent.”

Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek said on Twitter that there's a lot she could say.

"I choose to focus on demonstrating to this premier the work that our city continues to do around anti-racism, Indigenous relations, Holocaust remembrance, allyship with the LGBTQ2S+ community and equity-based awareness," she wrote. "In other words, work that matters."

Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe said he doesn't agree with Smith's comments.

He added it's not for him to judge who experiences discrimination.

"What we're here to do, and what I'm here to do … is any of those individuals or groups that do feel they've been discriminated (against) in some way, that we're here to support them."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published Oct. 12, 2022.

— with files by Mickey Djuric in Regina.

Colette Derworiz, The Canadian Press

Note to readers: This is a corrected story; An earlier version had the incorrect spelling of Diversecities.

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