Thursday, October 20, 2022

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings

MobileSyrup - TODAY

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) chair Ian Scott has been under fire over meetings with telecom executives, particularly when Scott was photographed having beers with Bell CEO Mirko Bibic.

Now, independent internet service provider (ISP) TekSavvy obtained records detailing multiple undocumented, off-site meetings between Scott and unknown participants. In a blog post, TekSavvy explains it obtained documents through the Access to Information Act. The documents show several lunches or meetings Scott had in Ottawa between 2019 and 2021.

Specifically, the information in the documents comes from Scott’s calendar entries associated with the business uses of his vehicle. The documents don’t always include information about who attended the meetings or what topics were discussed. Moreover, TekSavvy said the CRTC didn’t provide additional details or documentation related to the meetings through a spokesperson or additional access-to-information requests.

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

TekSavvy reveals CRTC chair Ian Scott’s multiple mystery meetings© Provided by MobileSyrup

Highlights from the documents include that several of the meetings occurred at the high-end Rideau Club. Records show that Scott met with Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Peladeau and former CBC executive vice-president and Telus advisor Richard Stursberg. TekSavvy says there’s no further documentation of those meetings, and neither meeting was logged in the federal lobbyist registry. A Quebecor spokesperson told TekSavvy that the CRTC requested the meeting with Peladeau and that it wasn’t logged because it didn’t pertain to matters covered by lobbying regulations.

TekSavvy argues that meetings like these are concerning since there’s no transparency around them. There’s no way to know what was discussed at the meetings and what impact (if any) the meetings had on CRTC decisions. The ISP even cites a 2o14 CRTC document advising against meetings like the ones Scott attended since they could appear to express favour or bias.

Finally, TekSavvy reiterated its call for Scott’s removal, noting that he presided over several anti-consumer decisions that the ISP says contributed to rising internet prices and the acquisition of several independent telecom companies by large players. However, Scott’s term as CRTC chairperson was extended until January 4th, 2023. It was initially set to end in September.

Source: TekSavvy

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