Friday, October 14, 2022


Yesterday, we released our Industrial Blueprint for Job Creation and Prosperity – a plan to re-tool our economy and invest in the stability, opportunity, and good standard of living that workers need to build a better future here. It outlines exactly how Alberta can attract new industries and create stable, well-paying jobs for all of the hard-working people that call our province home.

Will you share it with your MLA? Click here to automatically send an email calling on them to listen to workers and follow the Blueprint.

Because here’s the thing. Hard-working Albertans are the engine of our economy. Getting the economy back on track starts with respecting and supporting the workers who built this province—not driving them away. We can build a better future, but we need to start now or we’ll be left behind.

We need your help to make sure our politicians focus on our future and follow our lead. Click the link below to automatically share it with your MLA.

In solidarity,


Gil McGowan
Alberta Federation of Labour

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Alberta Federation of Labour
10408 124 St, #300, Edmonton,
AB T5N 1R5, Canada

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