Thursday, November 10, 2022

Brazil’s police to analyze computers amid fears that Bolsonaro’s supporters are installing spyware

The future leadership of the Brazilian police force appointed by President-elect Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva could analyze the computers of the security authorities in the face of fears that officials close to the current president, Jair Bolsonaro, may install spyware.

File - Brazilian Federal Police during an operation in Rio de Janeiro. -

This has been acknowledged to the newspaper 'O Globo' by an interlocutor of Lula, who justifies the fear of the next president's team in the affinity shown between Bolsonaro himself and the most conservative sector of the Federal Police over the last four years.

Likewise, Bolsonaro never denied his intention to place people in line with his ideology and postulates in some of the most prominent positions in the security and justice authorities. In fact, the Supreme Court even rejected the appointment of Alexandre Ramagem as head of the General Police Directorate because of his excessive proximity to the president's family.

Therefore, Lula's team may even consider a thorough inspection of the computers to check if the outgoing president ever used the police institution as a sort of "private intelligence service".

Although the president-elect has not yet made any pronouncement on who will be the general director of the Police, Brazilian media suggest that the main candidate could be Andrei Passos, who was head of security for Lula's political party, the Workers' Party, during the electoral campaign.

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