Friday, November 25, 2022

French left withdraws its bill to ban bullfighting

The progressive La France Insoumise (LFI) has withdrawn this Thursday its proposed law to ban bullfighting and denounced the "obstruction" carried out by the formations opposed to the proposal.

"I have to face the facts. We are not going to be able to abolish bullfighting in France today", lamented the deputy Aymeric Caron, promoter of the proposal and who has come out before the hemicycle to confirm his retreat.

LFI's decision comes after the opponents of the proposal, mainly the ultra-right National Rally of Marine Le Pen, have submitted dozens of amendments to the project in order to extend indefinitely the process of debating them.

This fact has been harshly criticized by Alexis Corbière, also of LFI, who has denounced that if each group takes advantage of the parliamentary proposals to "make a rain of amendments", the work of the legislature will be affected.

In any case, even if the progressives had not backed out, the abolition of bullfighting had little chance of being approved since the Legal Commission had already issued an unfavorable opinion last week.

In spite of the setback that this episode represents for LFI's aspirations to ban bullfighting, Caron has asserted that "bullfighting will soon be abolished" in France, according to the French television channel BFMTV.

In fact, he has advanced that in the next few months a new legislative proposal will be presented.

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