Monday, November 21, 2022

NYU's Scott Galloway: Russian Intelligence Responsible For Trump Winning Elon Musk's Poll To Reinstate Him To Twitter

NYU professor Scott Galloway on Sunday's 'Face The Nation' said that the Russian intelligence arm GRU was behind Trump's victory in Elon Musk's poll asking Twitter users if former President Donald Trump should be allowed to return to the platform.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, he's also, Scott, a presidential candidate as we learned just a few days ago. He was kicked off of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, after January 6. Do you think this, this opens the floodgates? Or is this just a gimmick by Elon Musk for PR?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: I think it's mostly the latter. I think if- if Elon is out of the news for more than 48 hours, he'll decide to kick him off again. He said that the people had spoken in Latin. I found that this poll- you know Elon Musk polls on Twitter are more for support than illumination. He ran a similar poll to see whether or not he should sell Tesla stock, and it ended up he'd already filed to sell those shares. So I think these polls are mostly a gimmick. And I would argue the people haven't spoken the GRU has spoken these, Twitter--

MARGARET BRENNAN: Russian intelligence, you mean?

SCOTT GALLOWAY: Hundred percent. Twitter has become a playground for bad actors and fake bots. This poll is meaningless. This decision is meaningless.

The tweet poll:

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