Saturday, November 05, 2022

Palestinians are worried about Netanyahu's return to power

November 3, 2022 

Benjamin Netanyahu during a campaign event in Tel Aviv, Israel on October 30, 2022
 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency]

November 3, 2022 

As Israeli opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu makes a comeback following the election held on Tuesday, Palestinians are worried about his new agenda, Arab48 reported.

Netanyahu's cabinet will include the extremists Itamar Ben Gvir, who has called for expelling Palestinians and called Arab citizens of Israel "disloyal".

Israeli election and the possible come-back of Netanyahu – Cartoon [Sabaaneh/Middle East Monitor]

Bassam Al Salhi, member of PLO's Executive Committee, said: "No doubt the results of the Israeli elections will bring a government that will be more hostile to the Palestinians and it will double the escalation with the Palestinians."

He added: "The results of the elections reflect the reality of Israel. The results increase the fascist right-wing in the occupation state," noting that Netanyahu will form a "settler government."

Hamas said it expects more violence following the appointment of the upcoming extremist Israeli government

"It is clear that there is a transition towards the far right in the Israeli arena," Hamas spokesman Hazem Qasem said. "This means more violence and aggression on the Palestinians," he added, recalling Netanyahu's wars on Palestinians.

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