Saturday, November 05, 2022


Thousands of protesters march through London calling for 'immediate' general election

5 November 2022

Thousands of people marched calling for a general election
Thousands of people marched calling for a general election. Picture: Alamy

By Asher McShane

Thousands of people have joined a demonstration calling for an immediate general election amid the worsening cost-of-living crisis, saying “Britain is Broken.”

A coalition of trade unions and community organisations are taking part in the protest in central London, which was organised by the People's Assembly.

Demonstrators marched in the rain from Embankment to Trafalgar Square, where a rally is being held with speakers including Mick Lynch, general secretary of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union.

The People's Assembly said the protesters, some of whom waved banners reading "Tories Out", are demanding an immediate general election, action on low pay and the repeal of "anti-union" employment laws.

Michelle Uden brought her seven-year-old twin boys to the demonstration and said she wanted a change in leadership after struggling with the cost of living.

Read more: 'The government cannot do everything,' Rishi Sunak tells British people as the country plunges into recession

Activists are demanding an immediate general election, action on low pay and the repeal of "anti-union" employment laws.
Activists are demanding an immediate general election, action on low pay and the repeal of "anti-union" employment laws. Picture: Alamy

The 34-year-old, who cares for her husband who has epilepsy at their home in New Eltham, south-east London, told the PA news agency: "Enough is enough.

"If we don't stand up and fight we'll sit down and cry.

"We want to get rid of Rishi Sunak, we want more funding for the NHS, we want that to stop being privatised.

"We want the Tories out - it's the only way to get change."

She added she did not believe a general election would be called but wanted her children to see "democracy in action".

Ramona McCartney, national organiser for the People's Assembly, said: "The Government is in a deep crisis and the third Prime Minister in a matter of months has been decided by a tiny elite.

"We want to make this the biggest demonstration possible to force them to a general election and in solidarity with every striking worker."

Laura Pidcock, national secretary of the People's Assembly, said "this Tory government is now totally unaccountable, but outrage is not enough".

She added: "We have to come together, as a movement, to organise on the streets and in our communities, and show that our voices will not be silenced and that we want fundamental changes to the way our country is run.

"We will not get that from the politicians, we will only get that from the strength of a united, vibrant movement of working-class people coming together, building together and making change together."

Huge crowds join People’s Assembly March calling for General Election now

Early vote rally reflects public ‘anger and determination’, say organisers

Liam James

The People's Assembly Britain is Broken demonstration in London

Thousands have taken to the streets of London to demand a general election now, along with greater support for ordinary people struggling with the cost of living crisis.

The “Britain is Broken” march on parliament was led by trade unions and community organisations, with speakers including Mick Lynch and Jeremy Corbyn. They were joined by climate protesters carrying Extinction Rebellion flags.

Organisers from the People’s Assembly campaign group said they wanted to “shut down London” to force ministers to listen to calls a national poll, fairer pay settlements new cost of living support measures and more.

Jeremy Corbyn joined the demonstration near parliament

Extinction Rebellion marchers taking part in the protest in London

“The government is in a deep crisis and the third prime minister in a matter of months has been decided by a tiny elite. We want to make this the biggest demonstration possible to force them to a general election and in solidarity with every striking worker,” said Ramona McCartney, the national organiser for the People’s Assembly.

“We want working-class people to join us on this day to demonstrate how angry and determined we are, and fight the new wave of austerity the government is forcing on us.”

t up by The Independent arguing it is time for voters to decide who should govern the country as part of our Election Now campaign.

Speakers at Saturday’s protest include Mr Lynch, secretary general of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Union, former Labour leader Mr Corbyn, his former shadow chancellor John McDonnell and former Labour MP Laura Pidcock.

RMT chief Mick Lynch on the march

A protester calling for home secretary Suella Braverman to resign

A poll for The Independent this week found almost two-thirds (61 per cent) of voters want an early election. Focus groups have also seen a surge in desire for a fresh national vote from both Tory and Labour voters in recent weeks.

Ed Dorrell, a director at the Public First research and strategy group, said the demand for an election had come up “a lot more” in its recent focus groups. “There’s a general sense that the Tory government has run out of steam, a general sense that we need to start again,” he said.

Both Labour and Liberal Democrats have stepped up general election planning since Liz Truss was forced to resign, according to party sources.
March for general election passes parliament

The Tories are on their third Prime Minister since the 2019 election

More than 500 people have signed up to lobby MPs on the need for a vote at meetings in parliament on Wednesday afternoon, ahead of a TUC-led “general election now” rally. Hundreds more are expected to join a People Assembly’s march for an election on 5 November.

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