Thursday, December 08, 2022

Argentine President expresses his solidarity with Cristina Fernandez: «Today an innocent person has been convicted».

Story by Daniel Stewart • Yesterday Provided by News 360

The president of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, has expressed his solidarity with his vice-president Cristina Fernández Kirchner, after an Argentine court sentenced her on Tuesday to six years in prison and life disqualification from holding public office for the 'Vialidad case'.

File image of Alberto Fernandez, President of Argentina, with Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Vice President of Argentina. - Prensa Senado/telam/dpa

"Today, in Argentina, an innocent person has been convicted. Someone whom the powers that be tried to stigmatize through the media and persecuted through complacent judges who ride around in private planes and luxury mansions on weekends", criticized the Argentine president.

Thus, the leader of the country, who has shown his "solidarity with Cristina Fernández knowing that she is the victim of an absolutely unjust persecution", has denounced that the conviction "is the result of a trial in which the minimum forms of due process were not taken care of", a process in which even "the principle of not judging the same fact twice was violated".

Alberto Fernandez has maintained that, in this case, "politics has entered the courts". With this, "justice escapes through the window", he has lambasted, through a series of messages published on his Twitter account.

In addition, the president has urged the population to take Kirchner's side "for his innocence." "All good men and women who love democracy and the rule of law must stand by his side."

Fernández had been accused of participating in a scheme to defraud the state through the concession of public works in Santa Cruz province during her tenure as president (2007-2015) and that of former president and her late husband, Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007).

Fernández reacted immediately after the sentence by denouncing being the victim of a "parallel State" and of "a judicial mafia" and remarked that when she was president of Argentina she had neither "control of the laws that are approved" in the Legislative nor "nor did she administer the budget".

In her extensive response, Fernández pointed out that "the real sentence is not prison", but "perpetual disqualification to hold public office" and announced that she will not run in the 2023 elections. "They condemn a model of economic development and recognition of the rights of the people," he said.

Latin American leaders condemn sentence against Cristina Fernandez and express their support for her


Several Latin American political leaders have expressed their support for the vice-president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández Kirchner, while condemning the sentence of an Argentine court that sentenced her to six years in prison and perpetual disqualification from holding public office for an alleged corruption offense in the 'Vialidad case'.

File - File image of a rally in San Luis in support of Cristina Fernandez, vice president of Argentina. - TÉLAM/ELIAN OBREGÓN© Provided by News 360

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, has enunciated his "broadest solidarity" with the Argentine vice-president. "I have no doubt that she is the victim of political revenge and anti-democratic vileness of conservatism," he said.

The Cuban leader, Miguel Díaz-Canel, wanted to reiterate his rejection "to politically motivated judicial processes", reaffirming "all" his "support and solidarity" to Fernández Kirchner "in the face of the judicial and media harassment against her". To this message, Díaz-Canel added two messages: "Cuba embraces you" and "All with Cristina".

The president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, has joined the solidarity and support sent to the Argentine vice-president, "who is now facing the attack of the 'lawfare' after surviving a failed attempt against her".

"The truth will prevail and the will of the Argentine people supports you", added the Honduran president before expressing "strength to Cristina".

In the same line, the president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, indicated that "they are trying to ban Fernandez de Kirchner from political life with an unjust sentence".

"We are sure that the truth will prevail over any attack against the dignity of the people and democracy in our great homeland", added Arce.

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales also condemned the sentence and expressed his support for the Argentine politician. "Our most vehement repudiation and condemnation against the judicial and rigged coup that tries to truncate the political rights of our sister Cristina Kirchner," he said on Twitter.

"After failing in their attempt to assassinate her, today they try to eliminate her politically. Strength sister Cristina, the fight goes on!", Morales criticized.

From Brazil, the president of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva's Workers' Party, Gleisi Hoffman, has spoken out, indicating that Cristina is "victim of persecution and politicization of the Judiciary". "The PT is at her side, strength, the truth will win".

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