Monday, December 05, 2022

Indigenous peasant activist murdered in Guatemala

Human rights defender Tereso Carcamo Flores has been murdered in Jalapa, in southeastern Guatemala. Carcamo, 41, was an activist in the indigenous and peasant movement and was a member of the Committee for Peasant Development (CODECA).

Archive - Guatemala Police - 

Carcamo's father, Eusebio Carcamo, confirmed the death of his son in the hamlet of El Volcán, village of La Paz, in the Jiménez sector, according to Radio Victoria.

The video, posted on social networks, shows Carcamo's lifeless body in a ditch and covered with a sheet. Carcamo leaves behind a wife and five children, three of them minors.

CODECA reported in February the murder of 23 of its leaders since 2018.

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