Wednesday, December 28, 2022

'No way' NHS in Scotland can survive in current form, warns doctors' union chief

Dr Iain Kennedy of the BMA has warned the "whole health and social care system in Scotland is broken".

Chris McCall
Deputy Political Editor
28 DEC 2022
The health service in Scotland is struggling to meet demand (Image: PA)

A top doctor has warned "there is no way that the NHS in Scotland can survive" in its current form as he called for a national conversation on the future of the health service.

Dr Iain Kennedy, chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Scotland, today warned that his NHS colleagues had told him over the past fortnight the "whole health and social care system in Scotland is broken".

In a stark warning, he said: "There is no way that the NHS in Scotland can survive. In fact, many of my members are telling me that the NHS in Scotland has died already."

"It’s already broken in some parts of the country. So the time is now, we need the national conversation now, it cannot be delayed any further."

Dr Kennedy will meet with under-pressure health secretary Humza Yousaf in the New Year.

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