Wednesday, January 04, 2023

A short history of America and the world

Between the turn of the screw
And the twist of the knife
Between the the Twist of the twister
And Dylan’s simple twist of fate

There sometimes arise opportunities
To own the life that was given us by our mothers
To make headway against
The semi generated wind of the highway of the one-way life.

Against the inherited trauma of my grandfathers and my father
Who, fresh out of their respective world wars,
Winged being fathers with broken wings, I actually
Thought the world would be kind to an escaped chicken!

But age brought second thoughts and I flew back into the coop
In the shadow of the mined-out mountain
On the edge of Hamburger Forest where the medicines
Were all bleeding into the fishy sea

Patrolledby by giant nuclear stealth subs
With nothing better to do than stalk each other.
And while millions went starving under a full eclipse of the moon
Nations states played steal the flag and king of the hill.

But after all and in the time remaining
You’d think that someone would stop
(Besides me) for a turtle
Who is getting ready to cross the express way.

But we can’t stop can we
Because of all the reasons we just can’t stop
Eating sugar making war battling shadows
And building all those rockets to the moon

Or to blow each other away that vibrate our brains to jello
As they crawl skyward gaining momentum
Against the weight of all the guilt and heartaches of civilization.
And to think that they once called this Turtle Island.

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