Wednesday, January 04, 2023

GOP removes metal detectors from House three days before Jan. 6 anniversary
Rodric Hurdle-Bradford
January 03, 2023

US Capitol Police stand near a metal detector outside chamber of the House of Representatives(AFP)

According to Axios, one of the first actions of the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives was to remove metal detectors outside of the House chambers.

The move comes just days before the upcoming second anniversary of the Jan. 6 attacks.

The removal of the metal detectors has been widely seen as a political move to unite the Republican party, as they grapple with internal infighting from voting for Speaker of the House to the nomination process for the 2024 Presidential election.

The designated spokesperson for the Republican party members on the House of Representatives Rules Committee has not responded to media inquires requesting a further explanation.

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Colorado Republican Lauren Boebert, a noted pro-gun enthusiast, said the move to remove the metal detectors helped turn the House back "into the peoples House."

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