Monday, January 02, 2023

MAGA guy who calls Democrats paedophiles turns out to be a paedophile

Breanna Robinson

A man who supports the Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement and believes Democrats are paedophiles actually appears to be a paedophile himself.

In a clip uploaded to Twitter, journalist Andrew Callaghan of the HBO Max documentary This Place Rules interviews Dave Todeschini, a QAnon decoder and YouTuber.

He speaks about the Democratic politicians in Washington, DC, and the Capitol Hill riot in January 2021.

“I think Nancy Pelosi and those people set all that up. They had Antifa go in dressed as MAGA people,” Todeschini tells Callaghan.

Todeschini then can be seen holding his phone to play audio of himself speaking about “doxing 635 known Antifa terrorists.”

He also apologized to those whose names appeared in that list that weren’t associated with the group.

Todeschini then went on to say that people have been “living in a deception,” which worked up until social media came into play.

“And social media is the one who got Trump in, the outsider. And he’s about as far from a paedophile as you’re gonna get,” Todeschini said.

He added: “He’s after these people, and that’s why they’re after him.”

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Soon after this sentiment about the former commander-in-chief, Callaghan started holding up images of people like Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton, which Todeschini didn’t hesitate to call “paedophiles.”

Callaghan also shows an image of President Joe Biden, which Todeschini also immediately believes is a paedophile as well.

“Oh yeah. I call him creepy sleepy chomo Uncle Joe,” Todeschini said.

When Callaghan asked for clarification as to what “chomo” means, Todeschini says it’s a prison term for a “child molester.”

Not long after that, Callaghan tells Todeschini that he “needs to talk” to him about something.

“On May 19, 1999, you were convicted of sexual abuse in the first degree and sodomy in the second degree of an eight-year-old boy in New Jersey,” Callaghan says.

He continued: “So, according to this paper, you are a registered sex offender and a convicted paedophile.”

Todeschini then chimes in to say the conviction was “false.”

You want to take a look at this [paper],” Callaghan asks Todeschini.

“I know, I’ve seen the paper. I pled because I knew – I did what Michael Flynn did. I knew I couldn’t win,” Todeschini responds.

Towards the end of the clip, Callaghan asks Todeschini if he is familiar with the term “projection,” and he says he is.

“Yeah. Hillary Clinton does it all the time,” he said.

Callaghan continues to ask: “Do you feel like maybe you’re projecting by …” before Todeschini jumps back in to say: “No, I’m not projecting.”

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