Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Russia risks causing IT worker flight with remote working law

ON JANUARY 4, 2023
By EU Reporter Correspondent

Russia’s IT sector is in a state of flux and could lose more workers due to planned legislation regarding remote working. Authorities are trying to attract back some of those tens of thousand who have left Russia without requiring them to end ties.

Because IT workers are mobile, they were prominent among those who fled Russia after Moscow sent its army to Ukraine on 24 February, and the hundreds of thousands that followed when a military order-up was issued in September.

According to the government, 100,000 IT professionals work for Russian companies abroad.

Legislation is currently being considered for this year, which could ban remote work in certain professions.

Fearful of Russian IT professionals working in NATO countries, and possibly sharing sensitive security information, Hawkish lawmakers have suggested banning Russian IT specialists from leaving Russia.

However, the Digital Ministry stated in December that a complete ban could make Russian IT companies less efficient and thus less competitive. "In the end, who can attract the best talent, even those from overseas, will win."


Many young Russians are disillusioned and have moved to other countries like Georgia, Latvia or Armenia, where the Russian language can be easily understood. However, others have taken a greater leap to Argentina.

Roman Tulnov (36-year-old IT specialist) said that he didn't intend to return to Russia in any way.

"I wanted to go for a while. Everything became clear on February 24, 2012. He said that he understood that Russia was overpopulated. He credited mobilization for the chance to work in six different time zones and keep his job.

"Before mobilization, no one thought of giving the go-ahead to people to move to where-knows-where."

Vyacheslav Volodin (the powerful head of Russia's lower chamber of parliament, or State Duma), has stated that he would like to see higher taxes for those who have relocated abroad.

Yulia, 26, a product designer, estimated that 25% of her team would prefer to quit than return under duress to Russia.

She said: "Such an alternative choice is somewhat like negotiating with terrorists: 'Come back or we'll make you job impossible and for your company as well as your employees'."

Some Russian expatriates might be able to avoid paying taxes altogether. The personal income tax of 13% is automatically deducted from residents' employees, but it is not applicable to those who work in Russia-based companies.

Sasha, a professional online poker player, is also from Argentina and said that he has stopped paying Russian taxes.

He said: "When you pay taxes, you support the state's military expansion." "I don't pay taxes and I don't plan on."

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