Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Air pollution snags flights in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Environment Ministry urges public to stay indoors, prohibits holding sports and cultural events due to air pollution

1:08 . 4/01/2023 Wednesday

Heavy air pollution and thick fog in Bosnia and Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo caused air traffic to be suspended on Tuesday.

Planes were unable to land at Sarajevo International Airport on Tuesday morning, said airport officials in a statement.

As visibility was considerably reduced, some flights were diverted to Zagreb, the capital of neighboring Croatia.

The Environment Ministry urged people living in many parts of Sarajevo to be prepared for air pollution and recommended staying indoors, especially in the morning and evening when the concentration of pollutants in the air is the highest.

When outdoors, in urban areas, the public was recommended to use protective masks with appropriate filters to mitigate the harmful effects of the polluted air.

Holding organized sports and cultural activities in the open area in areas affected by pollution was also prohibited.

Flights at the airport returned to normal around midday, after the pollution decreased.

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