Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Feds announce $25.5M for job creation and business scale up in Calgary

Story by Josh Aldrich • 

Fifteen local businesses are getting a $25.5 million boost from the federal government to assist in scaling up and to create more than 800 jobs.

Dan Vandal, Minister of PrariesCan, is pictured speaking during a press conference at the Telus Spark science centre on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.© Gavin Young/Postmedia

Dan Vandal, Minister of PrariesCan, made the announcement from Headversity in Calgary on Wednesday morning. The funding will reach key sectors of the Canadian economy including health, digital technology, clean energy, and manufacturing.

“Albertans are innovators and always looking forward at new opportunities to grow and succeed,” said the minister in a press release. “Our government is making investments here in Alberta to ensure leading-edge companies scale up and provide high-quality jobs Alberta workers can depend on. Today’s investment will help further position Calgary as a leader in innovation while further strengthening the competitiveness of Alberta businesses.”

Headversity is one of the major recipients of the funding and will receive $6 million to expand its digital mental health technology platform to measure, track and train mental health resilience in youth.

Kathairos is receiving $3.9 million to grow its emission reduction business to help eliminate greenhouse gas emissions from oil and gas well sites.

ProposeMed is getting $3.5 million to scale up their operations and extend delivery of telehealth solutions to at-risk and underserved Canadians.

Harvest Builders has been granted $3 million to build an online talent platform to grow the tech sector across the prairies.

The government forecasts this funding will help create and support 815 jobs.

The funding is coming out of the Job and Growth Fun through PrairiesCan.

converts catalytic converter and electronic waste into precious metals.

•Kent Imaging ($1,859,500) — Expand and enhance its non invasive medical diagnostics device line and increase sales support to spur growth in global markets.

• 2301114 Alberta Ltd – operating as Watts ($1,420,083) — Expand operations and distribution capacity to better serve new markets in Canada and the USA with its advanced lighting solutions.

• Lumiio ($1,372,908)— Enhance digital products and develop advanced wearable integrations to better capture real-world health data that aids in medical diagnostics, disease characterization, and improved patient outcomes.

• Medlior Health Outcomes Research ($584,500) — Scale up operations of health economics and outcomes research services to better serve North American and European markets.

• Black Owl Systems ($460,500) — Complete the development of its specialized accounting software and scale up marketing and sales efforts throughout North America.

• ICwhatUC – operating as IrisCX ($270,000) — Enhance its software with artificial intelligence capabilities to better connect business experts and consumers virtually, enabling businesses to provide accurate service, and advice without the need for an in-person site visit.

• 2311520 Alberta Ltd – operating as The Co+Kitchen ($223,500) — Grow a shared-use commercial kitchen in Canmore to provide entrepreneurs and small businesses an affordable and accessible space to cook, store, and sell locally produced food.

• Krux Analytics ($167,250) — Design and produce equipment that optimizes drilling performance by aggregating and integrating data to enable real-time analysis.

• The Alberta Food Processors Association ($131,250) — Create a digital portal that enables agri-food companies to find and connect with existing Alberta food and beverage co-packers or contract manufacturers to efficiently produce and package their products.

• Ammolite Technology ($123,468) — Scale up operations and integrate an enterprise resource planning and e-commerce system to better serve clients and increase revenue opportunities.

This story will be updated.

Twitter: @JoshAldrich03

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