Sunday, February 05, 2023

Britain Bans Migrants from Appealing Deportation

World | February 5, 2023, Sunday 

The British government is seeking to stop "deportation appeals" for those who reach Britain by crossing the English Channel in small boats, the Times newspaper reports.

The British daily reported that the UK Home Office is working on two options to tackle the problem of illegal migration: either to ban those claiming asylum or to allow them to appeal only after they have been deported.

A Home Office spokesman said the "unacceptable number of people" risking their lives crossing the Channel in small boats was putting "unprecedented strain" on the country's asylum system.

"Our priority is to stop this and prevent illegal crossings and our new Small Boat Operations Command, bolstered by hundreds of extra staff, is working hard to disrupt the business model of people traffickers," the spokesman added.

According to official figures, a record 45,756 migrants crossed the Channel to the UK in 2022.

As well as striking a deal with France to combat people-smuggling in the English Channel, in April last year the UK also unveiled a controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, where their claims will be processed.

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