Friday, February 17, 2023

NATO’s opportunity in the Indo-Pacific
Given the tensions in the Indo-Pacific, a co-operation between South Korea, Japan and NATO sends a message of deterrence and shared liberal values

 06.01.2023 | Taehun Lim

The year 2022 was pivotal for the West and the NATO military alliance. Russia's invasion of Ukraine and China's mounting military threats against Taiwan forced NATO to recalibrate its risk analysis.

The NATO summit in Madrid in June was, therefore, remarkable in that two far-eastern states, South Korea and Japan, were invited. While Japan already has the status of a Western actor within the framework of the G7, the invitation to South Korea to attend the summit was particularly surprising. Although Seoul has been a global partner of NATO since 2006, co-operation to date has been essentially diplomatic. South Korea had already been invited to NATO meetings of foreign ministers several times before, but this had not led to any geopolitical commitment on its part to NATO or Europe. But circumstances have changed. The invitation to the summit was driven by NATO's most important member by far – the US, an ally of South Korea. Does this mean that Japan and South Korea will now take on new significance for Europe and the Far East in terms of security policy?

There was immediate praise for the Indo-Pacific strategy from Washington.

On 28 December, the South Korean government under new President Yoon Suk-yeol published a strategy for the Indo-Pacific region for the first time. It stated that the country's focus should be on promoting freedom, peace and prosperity through the creation of a rules-based order and co-operation on the rule of law and human rights. The 43-page document includes only one paragraph on China, Seoul's largest trading partner and the rival of its most important ally, the US. On taking office in May, Yoon announced a hard line towards China and since then has intensified the security co-operation with the US.

The Indo-Pacific strategy indirectly addresses fears of military action by China against Taiwan and calls for a resumption of the summit meetings between South Korea, Japan and China, the last of which took place in 2019. It states that co-operation with Japan is essential for promoting co-operation and solidarity between like-minded nations in the Indo-Pacific region – a clear indication that Yoon wants to improve relations between these neighbouring countries. Seoul also wants to expand co-operation with the Quad – the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between Australia, India, Japan and the US – which is seen as a counterweight to China's ambitions in the region. There was immediate praise for the Indo-Pacific strategy from Washington.

Advantages of closer co-operation for NATO

Closer ties between South Korea and Japan and a security partnership with the two East Asian states would have strategic advantages for NATO. With South Korea, it can benefit immediately from the strength of the country’s armed forces, not least in light of China's military build-up in the Indo-Pacific. The South Korean military is well-equipped and combat-ready because of constant North Korean military provocations. Moreover, South Korea holds large-scale joint military exercises with the US every year. Secondly, South Korea can contribute to NATO through co-operation on armaments, and can supply high-quality weapons. The competitiveness of its arms industry is demonstrated, for example, by Poland's purchase of South Korean tanks and howitzers in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Third, as a leader in digital technology, South Korea can strengthen NATO's cybersecurity against Russia and China (and North Korea). Fourth, as a globally important microchip manufacturer, South Korea – along with Japan and Taiwan – is seen by the US as part of a microchip alliance whose task is to isolate China completely from the microchip supply chain. Conversely, South Korea thus serves as a reliable partner in the microchip supply chain for NATO countries.

The current Japanese government under Fumio Kishida wants to raise the country's military spending to two per cent of GDP by 2027 and to acquire 500 Tomahawk cruise missiles. Such an enhancement of Japan's military capabilities would provide NATO with further strategic options in the face of China's military build-up in the Indo-Pacific.

Advantages for South Korea and Japan

From a Far Eastern perspective, a strategic partnership with NATO would help in managing the Chinese military threat. As a first step, joint military exercises involving NATO and East Asian countries could be held in the Indo-Pacific (where the US, France, the UK and Germany already have a military presence) or in Europe, in order to enable, for instance, the defence of free and unfettered trade flows in the South China Sea. As a second step, the Far Eastern countries and NATO could perhaps establish an intelligence alliance comparable to the ‘Five Eyes’ of the Anglo-Saxon powers. This would enable the two sides of the alliance to exchange military intelligence and facilitate the formulation of joint strategies towards China and Russia. As a third step, NATO and the Far Eastern countries could establish an informal military alliance similar to the Quad, which would strengthen collective security on both sides.

Co-operation between South Korea and NATO not only sends a clear message about deterrence but also represents a commitment to the defence across the world of the liberal values that both sides share.

For a successful strategic partnership between NATO and the Far East to develop, relations between South Korea and Japan must improve significantly. The smouldering conflict over how to address the issue of Japan's colonial history stands in the way of close co-operation. The enforced prostitution of Korean women during the colonial period, the visits of Japanese politicians to the Yasukuni Shrine, where Japanese war criminals are buried, and the border dispute over the Liancourt rocks (Dokdo in Korean, Takeshima in Japanese) are some of the unresolved historically controversial issues. This is compounded by the Japanese trade sanctions imposed on South Korea in 2019, which aim to impede the further rise of the South Korean industry. Fortunately, the current South Korean government under Yoon Suk-yeol is keen on significantly improving relations with its neighbour in order to boost a security co-operation between the two sides vis-à-vis China and North Korea. The Japanese government will now have to respond to the signals from Seoul, if necessary also involving the US as a mediator.

NATO's decision in August to accept South Korea's request to designate an embassy to represent the country in dealings with the military alliance bodes well for the development of a close strategic partnership. Given the rising military tensions in the Indo-Pacific and China's military threats against Taiwan, co-operation between South Korea and NATO not only sends a clear message about deterrence (and thus the prevention of war) but also represents a commitment to the defence across the world of the liberal values that both sides share.

Reuters/ Jonathan ErnstPresident Joe Biden, South Korea's President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida meet during a NATO summit in Madrid.

Joint Statement

Issued on the occasion of the meeting between H.E. Mr Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General and H.E. Mr Kishida Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan

  • 31 Jan. 2023 -
  • |
  • Last updated: 01 Feb. 2023 11:31

Prime Minister of Japan, KISHIDA Fumio, and Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens STOLTENBERG, met in Tokyo on 31 January, 2023. Building on Prime Minister Kishida's historical participation in the NATO Summit in 2022 for the first time as Japanese Prime Minister, the two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepen cooperation between Japan and NATO, as reliable and natural partners, who share common values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, as well as strategic interests.

Challenging strategic environment at a historical inflection point
The international community is facing changes defining an era. The free and open international order based on the rule of law is at stake, and we are witnessing changes in power balances and intensifying geopolitical competition. The world is at a historical inflection point in the most severe and complex security environment since the end of World War II.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine has shattered peace and shaken the foundation of the rules-based international order. It has gravely altered the security environment in the Euro-Atlantic and beyond. The balance of power is also rapidly shifting in the Indo-Pacific, and we share the view that unilateral change of the status quo by force or coercion is not acceptable anywhere in the world.

We recognise that the security of the Euro-Atlantic and of the Indo- Pacific is closely connected and stress the necessity of further strengthening cooperation between Japan and NATO, in order to respond to the changing strategic environment. Japan welcomes NATO ' s determination to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific. We welcome Japan's vision for realising a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific" (FOIP). We reaffirm our resolve to uphold and strengthen the free and open international order based on the rule of law.

Complex strategic challenges facing the international community
We condemn, in the strongest terms, the unprovoked and unjustifiable war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine. We reiterate our unwavering support for Ukraine ' s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognised borders extending to its territorial waters. We underscore that Russia's irresponsible nuclear rhetoric is unacceptable and that any use of nuclear weapons would meet with unequivocal international condemnation and severe consequences. We reaffirm our unwavering support for and solidarity with Ukraine in the face of the ongoing Russian war of aggression. We highlight with concern Russia's growing military cooperation with China, including through joint operations and drills in the vicinity of Japan.

We strongly oppose any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion in the East China Sea.We express serious concern about reports ofmilitarisation, coercion and intimidation in the South China Sea. With regard to China's rapid strengthening of its military capabilities and expansion of military activities, we strongly encourage China to improve transparency and to cooperate constructively with international efforts for arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. Our basic positions on Taiwan remain unchanged, and we emphasize the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element in security and prosperity in the international community. We encourage a peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.

We strongly condemn North Korea's ongoing development of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles including ballistic missile launches over the past year with unprecedented frequency and in an unprecedented manner, and urge North Korea to fully comply with all relevant UN Security Council resolutions and to abandon its nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs, and any other weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile programs in a complete, verifiable and irreversible manner. We call on all member states of the United Nations to fully implement relevant UN Security Council resolutions. Furthermore, we also express serious concern on North Korea ' s flagrant violation of human rights and, in particular, strongly urge North Korea to immediately resolve the abductions issue.

Japan-NATO cooperation in the new strategic environment
Japan welcomes the adoption of NATO's 2022 Strategic Concept, which refers to the importance of the Indo-Pacific. We also welcome the adoption of Japan's National Security Strategy, including fundamental reinforcement of its defence capabilities, and its continuous support to Ukraine. In addition, we welcome progress towards the new framework cooperation document between Japan and NATO, the Individually Tailored Partnership Programme (ITPP), in order to elevate current Japan-NATO cooperation to new heights that reflect the challenges of a new era.

We welcome developments in Japan-NATO cooperation in tackling traditional security challenges such as maritime security and arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation. In addition, given the severe international security environment and new security challenges, we reaffirm the importance of cooperation in areas such as cyberspace, outer space, disinformation and strategic communications, countering hybrid challenges, resilience, critical and emerging technologies, and innovation to bolster our capacity to address emerging challenges in new domains. Furthermore, we are exploring expanding cooperation to areas such as defence science and technology including activities with the NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO).

This new cooperation between Japan and NATO will effectively help address emerging threats in new domains such as cyberspace, outer space, cutting edge science and technology, and supply chains, and enhance our resilience to hybrid threats accordingly.We will also reinforce our efforts to promote our fundamental values including through cooperation on gender and human security.

Upgrading Japan-NATO cooperation in a new era
In this context, we are enhancing our strategic coordination on Japan-NATO cooperation, utilizing appropriate frameworks, for the purpose of taking stock of the progress made so far and considering way forward on Japan-NATO cooperation.

We welcome NATO's observation of the Japan-U.S. Joint Field Training Exercise in 2022 (Keen Sword 23) as symbolic cooperation with partners in the Indo-Pacific and a further strengthening of such cooperation.

We are accelerating our efforts to enhance information sharing between Japan and NATO. In addition, we welcome Japan's intention to participate in the North Atlantic Council (NAC) and the NATO Chiefs of Defense meetings on a regular basis.

We are convinced that Japan-NATO cooperationwill demonstrate its value under this severe and complex security environment. Through our staunch partnership, we are determined to contribute to upholding and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law.

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