Sunday, February 12, 2023

‘Not the state, but revolutionaries and patriots reach out to earthquake survivors’

Unionist Osman Ünel stated that official institutions started coming to Antakya only after the third day of the earthquake.

Saturday, 11 Feb 2023

The Revolutionary Construction and Road Workers Union (Dev Yapı İş) official Osman Ünel spoke to ANF in Antakya district of Hatay, one of the areas worst affected by two devastating earthquakes on February 6.

“We have been here for five days. We took part in search and rescue work during the first two days. We unload the aid trucks delivered here and set up tents,” said Ünel.

“We have run out of feelings, seeing dead bodies all around and people whose lives have been devastated,” Ünel added.

Ünal stated that a few teams of AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) volunteers arrived in Antakya on the third and fourth day after the earthquake, but they lacked equipment and experience. “Apart from them, there was no official team to carry out the work. Revolutionaries and patriots joined the rescue efforts here, making endless efforts to distribute food and water to survivors and to set up tents. Official institutions started coming here only after the third day,” he added.

“Nothing is left of Antakya. There are no stable buildings left, except for a few which are severely damaged. We are of the opinion that the state will depopulate the region, reconstruct it and sell it to others, turning it into a source of profit, as they did in Sur,” Ünal added.

Sancar: What turned the earthquake into a human tragedy is what government did and did not do

HDP co-chair Mithat Sancar visited the chief physician of Etlik City Hospital.

Saturday, 11 Feb 2023

HDP co-chair Mithat Sancar visited the chief physician of Etlik City Hospital and received information about the condition of the patients coming from the earthquake zone. Making a statement in front of the hospital, Sancar said:

On Friday, we visited Etlik City Hospital and had a meeting with the Chief Physician. We got information from him about the situation. He told us that there were around 800 wounded who had been transferred from the earthquake area to here.

We cannot consider this a natural disaster. Earthquakes are natural events, but it is the governments that turn it into social destruction and human tragedy. It is the attitude of states, what they do and what they do not do. The government is disturbed by those who have said that the destruction is so great and the consequences so heavy. But everyone can see the immensity of this tragedy. The fact that so many buildings collapsed, of course, is related to government policies. Policies that progress on corruption and lack of control. The lives lost are so many, but this is also due to the fact that the emergency response did not take place in the first two, two and a half days. Yes, there are many casualties. The whole country is in sorrow. Our hearts are also aching. Social solidarity is currently the most effective way to heal wounds and reduce suffering. But the government is trying to prevent these solidarity initiatives. This is one of the worst things he can do.”

Our party is on the field

Sancar said: “Yes, there is a series of evils in this disaster. In the absence of state organization, people tried to help each other by reaching out to each other. Perhaps the most important area in which this power is organized is evil. We see that the government and its supporters can quickly organize around evil. Only society and people themselves will build the good. The way to build goodness is through social solidarity. In order for individuals and institutions to carry out this solidarity in the most effective way, coordination is needed. We are doing our best to establish a civil democratic coordination. Like many others, our party is on the field. We are with our people. We contribute to all kinds of work and aid activities. We will organize the good together. We will definitely overcome the organized evil policies and practices of the government with the good-producing dynamism of social solidarity. It is social solidarity that will heal us, reduce this suffering and heal the wounds. Organizing this in the most effective way is one of our most basic duties.”

HDP issues urgent call for solidarity to international organizations and institutions

The HDP called on all international institutions, governments, organizations and individuals to bear a hand to get over this incredible pain and rebuild shattered lives and communities.

Wednesday, 8 Feb 2023

Feleknas Uca and Hişyar Özsoy, HDP’s co-spokespersons for Foreign Affairs issued a call to international institutions and organizations after the earthquake.

The statement said: "We send this message at a time of deep pain and sadness. The whole world has been stunned by the terrifying images following Monday morning’s earthquake of magnitude 7.8 – one of the worst in the region’s history in Turkey.

This was followed by a second 7.7 earthquake in the middle of the day. We are all in mourning for thousands who are known to have died, and fearful for the tens of thousands more who are injured or are buried under the rubble. And many of us are waiting for news from friends and family. Even when we hear that people have survived, we can’t stop worrying. Vast areas are unsafe with buildings liable to further collapse. Hundreds of thousands of people have been left in need of basic shelter, warmth, and subsistence in bitter winter weather."

The statement added: "Our party has stopped all activities so that we can devote all our energy to helping in the work of rescue and survival. We have set up a central coordinating committee to facilitate our work, and our regional election coordinating centers have been turned into crisis coordinating centers. Our deputies and administrators have gone to the worst affected areas, and our youth are actively involved in the urgent task of search and rescue. We are calling on all those whose homes have not been damaged to take in people who have been left without shelter. We know that our communities will come together, and our greatest strength is our human solidarity."

The statement continued: "The sheer scale of this disaster has forced world leaders to demonstrate their humanity, with offers of help coming from many governments. And when they have moved on, we know that we will still be able to rely on the support of diverse solidarity networks, humanitarian organizations and individuals everywhere. Thus, we call on all international institutions, governments, organizations and individuals to bear a hand to get over this incredible pain and rebuild shattered lives and communities. Please urgently mobilize all kinds of support and solidarity networks and resources at your disposal."

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