Saturday, February 18, 2023

Tucker Carlson All But Asks For More Anti-Trans Violence With Matt Walsh’s Bogus ‘Child Mutilation’ Claims

Tucker Carlson teamed up with fave transphobe Matt Walsh to make incendiary attacks on Democrats who oppose anti-transgender legislation in Tennessee.

Radical right-wing, uh, pundit and self-proclaimed “theocratic fascist,” Matt Walsh is on a sacred mission to destroy the lives of transgender youth who are seeking gender affirming care. So, it’s no surprise that Fox’s top transphobe, Tucker Carlson, continues to pimp Walsh’s anti-trans, hate-filled and bizarre crusade. And, as Newshounds Ellen pointed out, get paid for it. Cue the death threats.

Thursday night, the Tucker Carlson Tonight show brought back Walsh, New Republic's “Transphobe of the Year,” for a victory lap after Walsh’s testimony in support of proposed anti-transgender legislation in the Tennessee legislature - legislation that seems to have been initiated by Walsh’s supposed exposé of “child mutilation” surgeries (actually gender affirming care) at Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University’s Medical Center. (Walsh recently led an anti-trans protest outside the facility) Walsh testified before Tennessee’s House Health Committee and, according to Carlson and Walsh, just crushed it!

To a grisly visual backdrop of “mutilation of children” and the banner Protecting Kids From Trans Mutilation Surgery," Carlson (who says there’s no such thing as transgender) started off with a BIG FAT (and incendiary) LIE: “We were shocked to learn that Vanderbilt Medical Center, which is a very well respected hospital in Tennessee, is involved in the mutilation of children’s genitals for profit.”

Carlson claimed that while the purportedly evil Democrats aren’t outraged by this, they’re upset that the purportedly very brave Matt Walsh is exposing this evil – so upset that, during a Tennessee statehouse committee hearing, one of those Democrats asked Walsh about his medical credentials – a legit request given that Walsh presents himself as an expert on transgender medical care.

Carlson played Walsh’s response which consisted of Walsh admitting that he didn’t attend college, but no big deal because he is “qualified to speak” because he is a “human being with a brain and common sense,” and “has a soul.” He then opined that he thinks “it’s a really bad idea to chemically castrate children.” (Guess he's talking about puberty blockers, but who knows?)

Knowing he was likely cuing more death threats, Carlson suggested that the legislator questioning Walsh was a “soulless freak” who is “taking the side of castrators of children,” then sneered sarcastically, “but Matt Walsh is the villain.”

Carlson played another video which showed another evil Democrat being left speechless by Walsh’s keen intellectual commentary. That included the Walsh “fact” that because the teenage brain isn’t fully developed, teens can’t provide real consent “to have their body parts removed.” Keep in mind, folks, that this is the same Matt Walsh who, in defending teen pregnancy (when girls are at their most fertile) said that  “at about 16, you're an adult who is mature and can make decisions.”

Cuing more death threats, Carlson named a Democratic Tennessee state, called him “another ghoul,” and added, “God bless Matt Walsh for doing that.” It must be noted that the devout pro-life Catholic Walsh advocates for executing doctors who provide gender affirming care.

After he introduced Walsh, Carlson praised him for “exposing” these “truly filthy people.” Inflated with a sense of pride in his debate skills, Walsh claimed that the Democrats “exposed themselves.” Reinforcing the incendiary aspect of their rhetoric, Walsh said that even if people think he’s a terrible person, “does that make it OK to mutilate children?” He accused the Democrats and “the left” of not wanting to talk about this because “they can’t defend their position.” (Hey Matt, how bout all those qualified clinicians who say that gender affirming care is "life saving?")

Walsh continued to foment a climate of violence towards those providing gender affirming care. He accused those who support it of being “unspeakably evil.” The banner reinforced the message: Walsh: It’s a Really Bad Idea to Chemically Castrate Children.”

Carlson launched another attack on the legislator who was skeptical of Walsh’s credentials. He scrunched up his face and "asked" if this man is “in favor of cutting the breasts off of girls.”

FACT CHECK: There is not an epidemic of underage girls getting mastectomies. Professional transgender health groups recommend surgery should be done for those 18 and older. 

Walsh concluded by asserting that those who don’t agree with him are, instead, concerned with “credentialism.” He continued, “as if I need credentials to know that abusing children is wrong.” (Clinician that he is, Walsh doesn't seem to know that there is a high suicide rate among transgender youth). Keep in mind, folks, this is the same Matt Walsh who said the Catholic priest sex abuse crisis was caused by gay priests.

Guess the much-vaunted, by the Christian right, parental control doesn’t apply to parents of transgender kids. Seriously, Carlson’s and Walsh’s creepy obsession with children’s bodies borders on pornographic. Bottom line is that if you want to talk “soulless freaks" and "evil," look no further than Tucker Carlson and Matt Walsh.


Check out the raw sewage the Murdochs pay millions for on the February 9, 2023 Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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