Sunday, March 12, 2023

3867 earthquakes hit Syria since February 6
3867 earthquakes hit Syria since February 6
3867 earthquakes hit Syria since February 6

DAMASCUS March 04. 2023 (Saba)- The National Center for Earthquakes in Syria announced that the number of aftershocks recorded from February 6 to March 3 reached 3,867, between mild and destructive, according to SANA.

The center indicated in its statement that 1,943 tremors of magnitude 2 to 3 on the Richter scale were recorded, 1,502 tremors of 3 to 4 degrees, 378 tremors of 4 to 5 degrees, and 33 tremors of intensity from 5 to 6 degrees, and 4 tremors of more than 6 degrees on the Richter scale, in addition to recording the earthquake, which had a magnitude of 7.5 degrees on the Richter scale, and the large earthquake, which had a magnitude of 7.8 degrees on the Richter scale, pointing out that the rest of the tremors were recorded less than 2 degrees. on the richter scale.

The center indicated that the total number of seismic events recorded during the 36 days from the beginning of the year 2023 until the occurrence of the major earthquake on February 6 is only 34 weak tremors, the largest of which reached 4.7 degrees.

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