Monday, March 27, 2023

Humza Yousaf: Scotland's first Muslim leader

Mon, March 27, 2023 

Humza Yousaf, the first Muslim leader of a major UK political party, faces an uphill battle to revive Scotland's drive for independence following the long tenure of his close ally Nicola Sturgeon.

The new and youngest Scottish National Party (SNP) leader, 37, says his own experience as an ethnic minority means he will fight to protect the rights of all minorities -- including gay and transgender people.

The Glasgow-born Yousaf took his oath in English and Urdu when he was first elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2011, before progressing to become the first Muslim to serve in the devolved government's cabinet.

He has been hailed by his supporters as a polished communicator who can unite the party as support stagnates for the SNP's central policy -- independence for Scotland.

Despite the UK government's opposition to a new referendum, and a Supreme Court setback, Yousaf vowed in his victory speech Monday to deliver independence in this generation.

And, as his wife and mother brushed away tears, he paid tribute to his paternal grandparents after they came to Scotland from Pakistan in the 1960s barely speaking English.

They would not have imagined "in their wildest dreams" that their future grandson would become the leader of their adopted homeland.

"We should all take pride in the fact that today we have sent a clear message: that your colour of skin or indeed your faith is not a barrier to leading the country that we all call home," Yousaf said.

He also vowed to be his own man as Scotland's first minister. But far from running away from Sturgeon's controversial record, he also says he will keep his experienced predecessor on "speed dial" for advice.

That has fed into critics' portrayal of Yousaf as a political lightweight who will remain in thrall to Sturgeon's camp.

At the same time, he is promising a more collegial style of leadership. "Mine would be less inner circle and more big tent," he told LBC radio.

- Racist abuse -

With the independence push stymied for now, following Sturgeon's more than eight-year tenure as first minister, Yousaf takes over facing crises in healthcare and education under the SNP's own watch in Scotland.

His record as Sturgeon's minister for justice and healthcare was savaged on the campaign trail by his chief rival, Kate Forbes, and Yousaf must also heal a fractured party after its bruising leadership election.

Yousaf says he was toughened after facing racist abuse growing up in Glasgow, especially after the 9/11 attacks in the United States.

"I've definitely had tough times," he recalled, reflecting on his time in politics.

"I've thought to myself, 'goodness, is there more that I can take personally' because I also come under a tremendous amount of abuse online and, unfortunately, sometimes face to face."

Yousaf's Pakistani-born father forged a successful career in Glasgow as an accountant. The new SNP leader's mother was born into a South Asian family in Kenya.

Yousaf attended an exclusive private school in Glasgow, two years behind Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar.

He studied politics at Glasgow University, and worked in a call centre before becoming an aide to Sturgeon's predecessor as SNP leader and first minister, Alex Salmond.

Yousaf entered the Scottish cabinet in 2012, serving in various roles including justice, transport and most recently health.

- Republican -

He married former SNP worker Gail Lythgoe in 2010, but they divorced seven years later.

In 2021 he and his second wife Nadia El-Nakla launched a legal complaint against a nursery, accusing it of racial discrimination after it denied admission to their daughter.

The complaint was upheld by education inspectors but the couple have now dropped it, and the nursery denied the accusations.

He was accused of deliberately skipping a Scottish vote to legalise gay marriage in 2014, due to pressure from Muslim leaders.

Yousaf insisted he had a prior engagement, and contrasts his own record to Forbes' religiously conservative views as a member of a Scottish evangelical church.

He says he will "always fight for the equal rights of others" and not legislate based on his own faith.

But one person's constitutional position will not be protected in a Yousaf-led Scotland -- that of King Charles III.

"I've been very clear, I'm a republican," he told Scottish newspaper The National, calling for debate on whether Scotland should move to an elected head of state.


Humza Yousaf wins Scottish leadership race

Mon, March 27, 2023 

Humza Yousaf on Monday won the race to become Scotland's new leader, its youngest and first from a minority ethnic background, charged with reviving a faltering independence movement after Nicola Sturgeon's long tenure.

Yousaf emerged victorious with 52 percent of Scottish National Party (SNP) members' preferentially ranked votes, following a divisive three-way leadership battle triggered by Sturgeon's surprise resignation announcement last month.

He is set to be sworn in as first minister on Wednesday, becoming the first ethnic minority leader of a devolved government and the first Muslim to lead a major UK party.

The 37-year-old will also be Scotland's youngest leader, taking the helm months after Rishi Sunak became the youngest UK prime minister in modern times when he entered Downing Street aged 42.

Yousaf vowed to continue pursuing the SNP's central policy -- independence for Scotland -- which Sturgeon has championed since the party lost a 2014 referendum on the issue.

"We will be the generation that delivers independence for Scotland," Yousaf said in his victory speech, adding in subsequent interviews that he would formally request that the UK government allow another vote.

He added his "immediate priority" was protecting Scots from Britain's cost-of-living crisis and reforming public services.

"I will aim to lead Scotland and the interests of all of our citizens, whatever your political allegiance," Yousaf insisted, noting he would look to work "constructively" with London.

Sunak's spokesman said the prime minister "looks forward to working with him" but ruled out granting the required permission to stage another independence vote.

- 'Momentous' -

Yousaf, who was health minister in Sturgeon's last cabinet, narrowly beat finance minister Kate Forbes to become SNP leader once party voters' second preferences had been counted.

Former minister Ash Regan finished a distant third.

Forbes, who won 48 percent of the votes in the contest, came under the spotlight for her conservative views as a member of the Free Church of Scotland, which opposes same-sex marriage and abortion.

But Yousaf, who has close ties with Sturgeon, also faced scrutiny and criticism over his record in successive roles in the Scottish government.

Sturgeon, 52, has served as first minister since November 2014 but said last month that she felt unable to give "every ounce of energy" to the job.

Congratulating Yousaf on his victory, she tipped him to be "an outstanding leader", adding on Twitter: "I could not be prouder to have him succeed me".

The Muslim Council of Britain called his election "momentous".

But success is likely to be judged on his ability to further the independence movement.

Polling indicates that support has been declining after briefly spiking through last year.

Surveys show around 45 percent of Scots are currently in favour of Scotland leaving the United Kingdom, the same tally recorded in the 2014 vote.

During campaigning Yousaf said the SNP needs to focus on creating a vision for an independent Scotland, and promised a civic movement to drive the campaign.

- 'Answers' -

Yousaf faces a challenge to win over the wider Scottish electorate, with a UK general election expected within the next 18 months.

According to Ipsos polling, he enjoys a favourable opinion among just 22 percent of voters.

The SNP has also seen a backlash over a new law allowing anyone over 16 to change their gender without a medical diagnosis.

The law would have allowed a transgender woman who was convicted of rape before she began transitioning to serve a prison sentence in a women-only facility.

As debate raged, the UK government used an unprecedented veto to block the legislation.

The UK Supreme Court last year also ruled that Sturgeon's government could not hold a new referendum on sovereignty without London's approval.

The devolved government in Edinburgh was created in 1999 through devolution reforms initiated by the UK government in London.

The SNP has since emerged as the dominant force in Scottish politics, drawing support away from the Labour party in particular.

But Labour is hoping Sturgeon's departure could provide a path for a potential comeback north of the English border, that would help defeat the Conservatives in the next UK election.

"The SNP do not have the answers on the NHS or on the cost-of-living crisis," Labour leader Keir Starmer tweeted alongside his congratulations to Yousaf.

"Only Labour can provide the change that Scotland needs," he added.


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