Friday, March 03, 2023

Indigenous woman will lead the US Department of Treasury’s Office of Tribal and Native Affairs

Indian Country Today
Mar 2, 2023

U.S. Treasurer Lynn Malerba, Mohegan Tribe, and Fatima Abbas, director of the Office of Tribal and Native Affairs, during a visit with young people from the Center for Native American Youth.Photo courtesy of the U.S. Treasury

WASHINGTON — An Indigenous woman will become the first director of the Office of Tribal and Native Affairs at the U.S. Treasury. The tribal affairs office is first of its kind for the department and a permanent fixture.

Fatima Abbas, Haliwa Saponi, who was previously interim director of the office, will take over as the permanent director.
The office will work closely with Indigenous nations to address specific needs identified by tribal leaders and to work with the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee, a seven-member group that advises Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on “taxation of Indians, the training of Internal Revenue Service field agents, and the provisions of training and technical assistance to Native American financial officers,” according to the Treasury.

“She can pave the way and set the stage for all of the good things that will happen within Treasury and that's what's going to be so important,” Chief Lynn Malerba, U.S. Treasurer, said to ICT. “She is standing up this office. She has the ability to create a vision for this office that will endure long after the two of us are gone.”

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