Friday, March 03, 2023

Clean energy can be an inexpensive option

March 2, 2023

The Feb. 25 Metro article “Virginia is set to rein in utility” noted that Virg of them would be less expensive to run if their generation capacity was replaced with renewables such as solar or wind powerng Dominion to convert to renewable energy — such as wind and solar — on asn aggressive timetable, driving up rates for customers.”

Forbes recently reported that of the 210 U.S. coal plants it investigated, 209 of them would be less expensive to run if their generation capacity were replaced with renewable such as solar or wind power. A transition from coal to clean energy across the country was estimated to be worth $589 billion.

Dominion Energy is in the process of closing its coal facilities. The company is also building a huge offshore wind farm that will eventually power more than 650,000 Virginia homes with clean power.

The governor should do some research before he starts blaming Democrats for high electricity rates.

Earle Mitchell, Springfield
The writer is a member of the Sierra Club.

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