Sunday, March 26, 2023

Photos show the Northern Lights made a rare appearance as far south as Phoenix, Arizona on Friday morning

Marianne Guenot,Morgan McFall-Johnsen,Jessica Orwig
Fri, March 24, 2023

Auroras in Gaylor, Missouri, on March 24, 2023.NWS Gaylor

Dazzling Northern Lights surprised people across the US overnight when they made a rare appearance in temperate skies.

The colorful, dancing lights are also known as the aurora borealis. They normally occur in the Arctic, but powerful eruptions on the sun caused them to stretch as far south as Phoenix, Arizona before sunrise on Friday, according to images shared by photographers and skywatchers on social media.

The aurora occurs when electrically charged particles stream from the sun and wash over Earth. Our planet's magnetic field channels that "solar wind" to the poles, where the particles interact with molecules in our atmosphere to produce beautiful ribbons of green, pink, purple, and red light.

The National Weather Service had anticipated heightened aurora activity on Friday, possibly as far south as Washington and New York, due to a high-powered solar wind streaming toward our planet from a giant "hole" on the sun, called a coronal hole.

A video from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the massive hole in the sun's atmosphere.NASA/Solar Dynamics Observatory

But new, more powerful, eruptions on the sun, called coronal mass ejections (CME), supercharged the solar wind to cause "a severe disturbance in Earth's magnetic field," NWS reported.

It was "a perfect storm," Alex Young, the associate director for science at NASA Goddard's Heliophysics Science Division, told Insider.

As a result, the aurora blew past the forecasts, lighting up the skies in brilliant colors as far south as Missouri, California, Wisconsin, and even Arizona.

Near Phoenix, Arizona

The aurora on the horizon near Butcher Jones Recreation Area, just east of Phoenix, Arizona.John Sirlin

"It was a pretty surreal experience watching the aurora in the Sonoran Desert," John Sirlin, who captured the above photo, told Insider. "It was only visible as a faint pink glow at first but when the pillars started dancing, it was definitely visible to the naked eye. It was brief but stunningly beautiful."

This may be the furthest-south sighting from Friday's aurora events.

"Most people when they're seeing that far south... they're seeing it on the horizon," Young said.

Gaylor, Missouri

Northern lights could be seen above the National Weather service office in Gaylor, Missouri.NWS Gaylor
Auroras in La Crosse, Wisconsin on March 24, 2023.NWS La Crosse

Between New York City's John F Kennedy airport and Minneapolis−Saint Paul airport

Annie Scott Riley

Topeka, Kansas

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Auroras in La Crosse, Wisconsin on March 24, 2023.NWS La Crosse

Anchorage, Alaska

Auroras in Anchorage, Alaska, on March 24, 2023.NWS Anchorage

Fairfax, Alaska

Auroras in Fairbanks, Alaska, on March 24, 2023.NWS Fairbanks

Skywatchers enjoy surprise auroras as strongest solar storm in years hits Earth (photos)

Tereza Pultarova
Fri, March 24, 2023 

The Northern Lights appear in the sky on March 23, 2023
in Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada.

A surprise solar storm supercharged auroras across the U.S. and Europe last night (March 23), with sightings of the colorful displays reported from as far south as New Mexico and Arizona.

The storm, classified as a severe G4 on the 5-grade scale used by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), even forced  Rocket Lab to delay a launch of its Electron rocket for 90 minutes. Oddly, space weather forecasters didn't see the storm coming, as it was caused by a stealthy solar eruption.

While the most stunning polar light images came from the usual aurora haunts in Canada, northern Europe and Alaska, ingenious photographers equipped with sensitive cameras were also able to capture the mesmerizing light shows at rather unusual locations at much lower latitudes.

Related: Where to see the northern lights: 2023 aurora borealis guide

Photographer Lauren Thompson took to Twitter to share a series of surprise snaps taken during a night of aurora chasing in New Mexico.

"I can’t believe we are seeing this in New Mexico! Currently somewhere between Pecos and Las Vegas!" she said in one tweet.

See more

Thompson wasn't alone in this southern state to report aurora sightings. Award-winning storm chaser and weather photographer Tim Baca shared his own shot of a fiery wall of red glow emerging above the horizon.

"Central New Mexico Northern lights right now!," he said in the tweet.

See more

Photographers in Arizona, North Carolina and Oklahoma also captured aurora displays, and so did many across the northern states.

"Best night of my life. Near Watertown, South Dakota," tweeted Alex Resel.

Auroras are triggered by interactions between charged particles streaming from the sun in the form of solar wind and molecules in Earth's atmosphere. Because the planet's magnetic field lines funnel the solar particles toward the poles, most aurora displays are only visible at very high latitudes. However, when powerful bursts of solar wind hit the planet at once, such as those released during expulsions of plasma known as coronal mass ejections, auroras can spill over significantly in the direction of the equator. During the most intense solar storms in recorded history, for example, aurora sightings were reported as far south as the Bahamas.

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Red auroras visible in North Carolina on March 24, 2023.

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This stunning shot from the Holleford Crater site in South Frontenac Township near Hartington and south of Verona in Ontario, Canada was captured by Adam Correia.

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Auroras in Ontario, Canada, on March 24, 2023.

Related stories:

— Where and how to photograph the aurora

 Earth's aurora origin mystery solved by 'surfing' electrons

— Best equipment for aurora photography

Space weather forecasters originally predicted a moderate G2 geomagnetic storm to occur on March 23 and March 24. Such a storm would have invigorated auroras mostly at rather high latitudes. That prediction was based on flows of fast solar wind that forecasters knew were emanating from an opening in the sun's magnetic field known as a coronal hole. The G4 storm that arrived instead was the most powerful geomagnetic storm of the current solar cycle, the 11-year ebb and flow in the generation of sunspots, flares and eruptions.

This solar cycle, the 25th since records began, will reach its maximum in two years, which means we are likely heading into a period of more intense solar storms and therefore more breathtaking aurora displays.

Geomagnetic storms, however, are not always a treat to humans. The more intense ones can cause power blackouts and severely affect operations of orbiting satellites.

Follow Tereza Pultarova on Twitter @TerezaPultarova. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook

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