Monday, March 06, 2023



Oh stop being hysterical — he’s being serious not literal (or is it the other way around; I honestly can never remember):

Former President Donald Trump had a special message for the men in the audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference Saturday when he detailed his plans to have ‘baby bonuses’ for couples – part of his pitch to take the White House again.

‘We will support baby boomers and we will support baby bonuses for a new baby boom, how does that sound? I want a baby boom,’ Trump said, chuckling, ‘You men are so lucky out there. You are so lucky, men.’ 

On Friday, Trump announced he wanted to build up to 10 so-called ‘freedom cities,’ with flying cars and lots of babies – launching a ‘quantum leap’ agenda as part of his 2024 presidential run. 

We will hold a competition to build new freedom cities on the frontier to give countless Americans a new shot at home ownership and the American dream,’ Trump said during Saturday’s address, which ran nearly an hour and 45 minutes. 

‘We will rename our schools and boulevards not after communists but after great, American patriots,’ he continued. ‘We will get rid of bad and ugly buildings and return to the magnificent classical style of western civilization.’ 

Lawyers, Guns & Money (

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