Tuesday, March 28, 2023


UK’s Labour votes to bar Jeremy Corbyn from running as candidate with party

Former Britain's Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks to the media on the coronavirus, outside the Finsbury Park Jobcentre, in north London, March 15, 2020. (Hollie Adams/PA via AP)
Former Britain's Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn speaks to the media on the coronavirus, outside the Finsbury Park Jobcentre, in north London, March 15, 2020. (Hollie Adams/PA via AP)

The British Labour party’s executive leadership votes to bar former party head Jeremy Corbyn from running as a candidate with the party in the next election.

The move, backed by current party chief Keir Starmer, means Corbyn — who was ousted after an extensive antisemitism scandal — would not receive the party’s backing in a future election.

Corbyn could still run as an independent candidate.

Last night, Corbyn said Starmer had “denigrated the democratic foundations of our party” with his planned move.

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