Tuesday, April 25, 2023

HAL’S HEADLINES: Compassion growing for the homeless

Opinion by Hal Anderson • 
Winnipeg Sun

I’ve said for a long time there needs to be more empathy when dealing with homeless people. I’m happy to report one expert who’s travelling the country is starting to see that trend develop. Winnipeg hosted a national homelessness forum this week. One of the participants, Dr. Cheryl Forchuck, assistant scientific director at Lawson Health Research Institute, was on my radio show on Tuesday to talk about what’s been learned in the past year about Canada’s homeless. I was excited to hear her cite several examples of YIMBY instead of NIMBY. Forchuk says there’s still plenty of Not In My Back Yard but she’s definitely seeing more Yes In My Back Yard. People in several communities she’s visited have gone so far as to invite people living in their cars into their own homes for a shower and a hot meal. In most cases, these were neighbours who ended up without a roof over their head. All I ask is you keep an open mind and heart on this issue. Help where you can and when you can. There but for the grace of God go I…

An expert visiting Winnipeg this week said she's starting to see more compassion for the homeless.© Provided by Winnipeg Sun

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