Wednesday, April 12, 2023

New documentary: “Rojava, the Kurds, Turkey & ISIS”

The documentary “Rojava, the Kurds, Turkey & ISIS” which reveals the Turkish state's complicity with ISIS and the ongoing ISIS threat will be broadcast by German TV channel WDR.

Wednesday, 12 Apr 2023, 13:57

Director Kawa Akrawi and journalist Gulan Akrawi travelled to Rojava/North and East Syria to monitor the situation in the region and shot a documentary on the ground.

According to Gulan Akrawi, the shooting of the documentary began in September 2021.

Director Kawa Akrawi focused on the complicity between the Turkish state and ISIS and the ongoing ISIS threat in the region. The director emphasized the resistance of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), especially the resistance of the Kurdish women.

Gulan Akrawi stated that they also focused on the repeated threats, invasions and attacks of the Turkish state which directly targeted civilians, especially with drones.

The documentary notes that more than 4 million people currently live in Rojava, facing direct threat from the Turkish state and ISIS.

The documentary also touches upon the threat posed by the prisons and camps where ISIS members are held and reveals that more than 50 thousand people, consisting of 12 thousand ISIS detainees and their families, reside in the camps in the region.

The documentary seeks answers to the following questions: How can Rojava protect itself against neighbouring states and the re-emergence of ISIS? What kind of solutions are needed to stop the rise of Islamist militant groups and to rehabilitate children in camps who pose a potential threat to the future?

The 43-minute documentary provides an insight into the great international danger posed by the refugee camps where ISIS families live.

The documentary will be broadcast on April 12 at 22:15 by WDR TV channel on its "Die Story" show, which has a large audience.

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