Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Suffolk electricity grid workers call off strike action after improved 18% pay deal

Sarah Chambers
Mon, 3 April 2023 

Suffolk electricity grid workers call off strike action after improved 18% pay deal - inset, Sharon Graham (Image: Andy Abbott/Unite)

Power workers have called off a planned strike in the East of England after securing an 18% pay deal over two years, say union officials.

Around 1,300 electricity grid workers in London, the South East  and East of England were planning strike action but this has been cancelled after they voted in favour of accepting an improved pay offer, said Unite.

Union officials negotiated an eight per cent deal for last year and 10% for 2023 and said workers would also receive a one-off £750 payment.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: "This is a well-deserved win for workers who were prepared to take a stand for a fair pay rise.

"Unite is entirely committed to fighting for the jobs, pay and conditions of its members. This victory for UK Power Networks workers is yet another demonstration that Unite’s strategy is delivering for our members."

The workers repair, maintain and administer the domestic electricity grid across the three regions, covering customers in Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Greater London, Surrey, West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent. Between them they serve around 8.3m customers.

Unite regional officer Jane Jeffery said:"This victory was achieved through the hard work and solidarity of Unite’s reps and members at UK Power Networks.

"Workers who want better wages and working conditions should join Unite and organise their colleagues to do likewise.”

A UK Power Networks spokeswoman said: “We are delighted that members of Unite have accepted our pay offer and called off proposed industrial action.

“We want to place on record our thanks to all those who represent our workforce for the constructive manner in which these negotiations have been held.

"Accepting this deal - which we have always believed is a fair and generous one - is the best outcome for our employees and our business.”

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