Sunday, May 07, 2023


Israeli Settlers Seize Palestinian Land in Ramallah

Af.M | DOP - 

Israeli settlers seized on Friday, 5 May 2023 a Palestinian-owned land in the occupied West Bank town of Deir Dibwan, east of Ramallah.

Local Palestinian sources reported that Israeli settlers set up three tents on the land located in the Sheikh Ammar area, southeast of the Deir Dibwan town as a preparatory step to take over the land.

Palestinian young men confronted the armed colonial settlers accompanied by the Israeli occupation troops and managed to expel the Israeli settler who seized the land, sources added.

Israeli settlers’ attacks have escalated recently against the Palestinian citizens and their lands including attacking the Palestinian shepherds, preventing them from reaching their lands.

In April, Israeli settlers carried out 138 attacks on Palestinians and their own property in the occupied West Bank. The attacks concentrated in Bethlehem with 36 attacks, and Nablus with 26 attacks, according to Palestinian figures.

More than 650,000 colonial settlers were distributed among 164 illegal settlements and 124 outposts built on the stolen lands of occuiped West Bank and Jerusalem. 

The West Bank and Jerusalem lands are occupied territories based on International law due to this all Israeli settlement-building activities there are illegal.

Its worth noting that the Israeli occupation issued two orders to seize 53 dunums of Palestinian citizens’ land for military purposes in the occupied west bank cities of Ramallah and Qalqilya.

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