Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Palestinian Resistance Responds to Massive Israeli Airstrikes on Besieged Gaza

M.S | DOP - 

The Palestinian resistance started responding to Israeli occupation military aggression on the besieged Gaza City today, Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

Local Palestinian sources reported that the Palestinian resistance in Gaza launched many projectiles toward the Israeli military sites on the occupied Palestinian territories.

This came in response to the Israeli occupation warplanes’ bombing of many sites across the city and the Israeli murder of the Palestinian detainee Khader Adnan.

Today’s morning, Adnan died inside Israeli prisons after 86 consecutive days of hunger strikes against the illegal administrative detention order the Israeli court issued against him.

Adnan was also subjected to medical negligence by the Israeli prison administration that led his health to deteriorate.

The Israeli prison administration also practices medical negligence against Palestinian sick detainees by procrastinating in providing them with the required medical treatment and even ignoring their medical needs, which worsens their health.

Israel bombs Gaza after Khader Adnan's death

Israeli warplanes target besieged Palestinian enclave following death of 45-year-old prisoner in Israeli custody.

An explosion is seen as Israel strikes blockaded Gaza. / Photo: Reuters

Israeli warplanes have carried out air strikes targeting areas in besieged Gaza, Israeli army and witnesses in Gaza said.

The strikes late on Tuesday come after rocket barrages were launched following the death of a Palestinian hunger striker in Israeli custody earlier on Tuesday.

Khader Adnan, who was affiliated with Palestine's Islamic Jihad group, died in an Israeli prison after an 87-day hunger strike.

Hamas, which governs Gaza, said Israeli planes hit two locations in the main part of Gaza city.

Israel used fighter jets and drones to bomb multiple sites in northern Gaza, said TRT World's Nizar Sadawi reporting from Gaza. He said Palestinian groups also fired a fresh barrage of rockets in response to Israeli attacks.

Israeli jets strike besieged Gaza following death of Palestinian hunger striker in Israeli jail. TRT World's Nizar Sadawi has more

For more: https://t.co/kr46aDNpEX pic.twitter.com/OYKwThW8Iu— TRT World Now (@TRTWorldNow) May 2, 2023

The Israeli fighter jets shelled, with several missiles, sites of armed factions in Gaza City and central areas of the strip, according to witnesses and an Anadolu Agency correspondent.

The Palestinian Health Ministry has not provided any information on whether there are any casualties.

Dozens of rockets have been fired from Gaza at Israeli civilians, leaving them running to bomb shelters, the Israeli army said, adding, "This has been the reality for many in Israel today."

Israel and Palestinian groups in Gaza exchanged fire shortly after the death of Adnan.

'Deliberate assassination'

The Israel Prison Service [IPS] said Adnan was found unconscious and was taken to the hospital but attempts to resuscitate him failed.

His death has triggered a storm of condemnations, with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh calling it a "deliberate assassination."

The 44-year-old, from the town of Arraba, west of Jenin, started his hunger strike on February 5 to protest his detention by Israeli authorities.

Adnan was repeatedly detained by Israeli forces and had staged multiple hunger strikes to protest his detention.

In 2012, Adnan staged a 66-day hunger strike in protest of his detention, forcing Israeli authorities to release him.

He staged similar hunger strikes in 2015 and 2018.

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