Monday, June 05, 2023

Frontex Faces Potential Action Over Migrant Interview Violations, Warns EU Data Protection Supervisor

June 5, 2023
GrandWarszawski |

The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, is collecting information from migrants that could help identify vulnerable people seeking sanctuary from persecution in their homelands.

The new decision has been confirmed through a report of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS), reports.

Frontex stressed that it conducts debriefing interviews with migrants reaching European countries without holding authorisation on a voluntary and anonymous basis, adding that the interviews also aim to collect information about migratory routes as well as cross-border crime and also help to plan its operations, according to a report of Alarabya News.

However, in a report submitted to the agency last week, the EDPS emphasised that “some debriefings show “a combination of distinguishing features about that individual and their journey that would be sufficient to render those individuals identifiable.”

According to the European Data Protection Supervisor, it means the information gathered would amount to personal data following the European Union laws, and it has serious doubts about whether such debriefings respect the regulations relating to the data.

In addition, the EDPS stressed that Frontex’s interview process “does not take sufficient account of the high vulnerability of the individuals targeted for data collection.”

The authority within the European Union insisted that Frontex cannot guarantee the voluntary nature of the interview after they are conducted in a situation of deprivation of liberty. It also stressed that the agency is aimed at detecting suspects based on the testimony of the interviewees.

It emphasised that the debriefings can result in the interviewee providing a self-incriminating testimony.

Besides, the data protection supervisor is urging that the European Border and Coast Guard Agency address many of its concerns by the end of this year.

“The EDPS will carry out a close follow-up. If need be, enforcement powers may be exercised,” it emphasised based on an executive summary of the audit report published on its official website.

The agency has been in the spotlight of the media several times following reports of its involvement in illegal pushback of migrants and other similar abuses.

However, the new director of the agency, Hans Leijtens, promised a new era of transparency at the agency, adding that he would promote a “nothing-to-hide” approach and also abolish defensive attitudes.

Earlier this year, The European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and the European Commission, together with Europol unfolded plans to introduce innovative technologies that would help to further strengthen the Schengen Zone.

In addition, in March this year, a new agreement between the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) Executive Director, Hans Leijtens, as well as the Greek Minister of Migration and Asylum, Notis Mitarachi, and the Minister of Citizens’ Protection, Panagiotis Theodorikakos was reached in order to further expand Frontex’s support to return migrants to their home states.

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