Thursday, June 08, 2023


‘Is this funny?’ Marjorie Taylor Greene flips out after witness laughs at her during House hearing

Sky Palma
May 16, 2023

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on "left wing violence" on Tuesday, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) claimed that "we experienced some left-wing extremism of our own" as the hearing was underway.

Greene said that a left-wing group of protesters were arrested outside the hearing room. "You kinda can't even make this up," Greene said, claiming that "George Soros funded" the protest outside.

Greene went on to say that since members at the hearing brought up the subject of white supremacy, she wanted to point out that the real white supremacists are people who support abortion, since "20 million Black babies" have been aborted in America "since Roe vs Wade."

As Greene was speaking, an expert witness at the hearing -- executive director of Integrity First for America Amy Spitalnick -- apparently began to laugh, which clearly angered Greene.

"Is this funny to you?" Greene asked. "Is babies being murdered in the womb funny to you? Because you're smirking and laughing at me right now."

"What's not funny are the Black people and Hispanic people and Jewish people and Muslim people who have been murdered in synagogues, in church, in supermarkets, in mosques, by white supremacists," witness Amy Spitalnick replied.

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