Monday, June 05, 2023

On World Environment Day: Al Mezan Warns of Critical Environmental Situation in Gaza Strip

T.Sh | DOP - 

The Mezan Center for Human Rights June 5, 2023, has issued a warning about the deteriorating environmental conditions in the Gaza Strip, which has been deprived of clean and healthy environmental components due to the 16-year-long Israeli blockade imposed on the strip.

The Mezan Center called on the international community to take effective measures to end the Israeli blockade on Gaza, ensure the passage of materials necessary for the maintenance and development of water and sanitation facilities, and put an end to the Israeli violations, which amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Monday 5 June 2023 marks World Environment Day. It is an important occasion on which to assert the importance of respect for all peoples’ environmental rights.

However, the commemoration coincides with the ongoing destruction of environmental components in the Gaza Strip by Israeli occupation forces through their military attacks and systematic violations, as well as the suffocating blockade imposed for the 16th consecutive year.

The dire environmental situation in Gaza has severe consequences on the health and well-being of the population, exacerbating an already challenging humanitarian crisis.

Efforts to address these environmental challenges in Gaza require international support and collaboration.

It is crucial for the international community to exert pressure on all relevant parties to lift the blockade, provide necessary resources, and hold the Israeli occupation accountable.

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