Wednesday, June 28, 2023


DOE and Sweden sign joint implementation agreement to increase scientific cooperation

The agreement reflects the United States and Sweden’s commitment to advancing scientific knowledge. It aims to foster joint research

Business Announcement


The Department of Energy (DOE) today signed an implementation agreement with Sweden to further promote and facilitate basic science research in energy and related fields.

The agreement reflects the United States and Sweden’s commitment to advancing scientific knowledge. It aims to foster joint research, shared facilities and exchanges of scientists in topics such as scientific computing, high energy physics, nuclear physics, fusion, basic energy sciences, and biological and environmental research.

Present at the signing were Erik Ramanathan, U.S. Ambassador to Sweden; Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Director of the DOE’s Office of Science; Mats Persson, Swedish Minister for Education and Research; and Mikael Lindström, Deputy President, Sweden’s KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

“Collaborations are key for advancing the frontiers of science. The Department of Energy’s Office of Science looks forward to working more closely with our Swedish colleagues to leverage our respective expertise and resources,” said Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, DOE’s Office of Science Director. 

“For the Swedish Government, it is very important to tackle the societal challenges that we face with innovative and efficient solutions. In the energy field, we need to collaborate with the best to identify and develop ways to solve the growing need for clean and green energy production. Therefore, I am very happy that Sweden is now strengthening its cooperation with the U.S. in energy research,” said Minister for Education Mats Persson.

This implementing arrangement is subsidiary to the Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden signed in 2006.

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