Monday, June 05, 2023

Rudy Giuliani bizarrely connects alleged Joe Biden scandals to gay 'deviancy'

David Edwards
June 4, 2023,

Rudy Giuliani on his podcast (screengrab).

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Sunday compared President Joe Biden's alleged scandals to what he claimed was "deviancy" of LGBTQ+ people.

During Sunday's Uncovering the Truth on WABC, Giuliani noted that Republicans planned to meet with the FBI over documents they believe will show evidence of corruption.

"But to sit by and watch a guy get elected president who's been a thirty-year bribe taker," Giuliani said.

"Well, it's that defining deviancy down," co-host Maria Ryan agreed. "Once you do that and you start getting used to certain things."

"It's almost like gays, right?" she added. "At one time in this population, it was really frowned upon. It was misunderstood whatever, and now it's accepted, and they have equal rights. So you just get used to certain things."

Ryan said she had probably not used the "best example" by comparing gay people to Biden.

"No, no, I think it's not the best example, but it is a good example in this sense," Giuliani remarked. "You take anything to an extreme, and you can get into the area of deviancy. Look, heterosexuals can be deviants. Nothing wrong with gay, nothing wrong with lesbian except if it morphs into pedophilia."

Ryan interrupted to suggest same-sex attraction was unnatural.

"It does go against nature, though, I do have to say that," she opined. "Our bodies are meant to procreate. That's what our bodies were meant to do, a man and a woman."

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