Thursday, June 22, 2023

Silver-studded blue butterflies return to former Norfolk home

Kate Scotter - BBC News, Norfolk
Wed, June 21, 2023 

A protected species of butterfly has been reintroduced to its former home after an absence of more than 70 years.

Silver-studded blue butterflies have been lost from more than 80% of their former habitats in the past century as heathland was converted to forestry and housing, a natural history group said.

They are currently found at only four Norfolk locations.

The group has moved 35 of the scarce butterflies from Buxton Heath to a country park near Horsford.

The site at Broadland Country Park was the original source of butterflies introduced to Horsford Rifle Range, Buxton Heath and Kelling Heath, but the original population was destroyed in the 1950s when plantation forestry took over.

With the trees now removed, heather and black ants, which the butterflies need to complete their life cycle, have returned, and the species should once again thrive in its former home, the Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists' Society said.

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Monitoring at the park, which was established by Broadland District Council, will continue for at least five years.

Alan Dawson, who monitors the silver-studded blue at Buxton Heath for Butterfly Conservation, said: "The butterfly has done very well indeed here, and it was time to take some individuals back to their restored home."

Volunteer Dave Weaver added: "The return of the iconic silver-studded blue to its former home is a moment of great pride to us all."

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