Monday, June 26, 2023


Smotrich Rushes to Justify Israeli Terrorists’ Attacks on Palestinian Citizens

M.S | DOP - 

In its report on Sunday, June 25, 2023, the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz” stated that the Israeli occupation government and army are directly responsible for the terrorist Israeli settlers’ attacks on Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. Moreover, extremist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich rushed to defend them.

Smotrich rejected the comparison between what he called “criminal Arab terrorism” and “civilian response operations” carried out by extremist settlers, considering this comparison “rejected morally, and dangerous from a practical point of view.”

In many tweets he wrote last night on his Twitter account, Smotrich indirectly justified the Israeli settlers’ attack on the Palestinian village of “Umm Safa” yesterday, claiming that some Palestinian villagers participated in attacks against settlers.

Smotrich, who is responsible for the Israeli settlement in the West Bank in the Israeli “Ministry of Defense”, attacked calls for administrative detention against leaders of Israeli terrorist organizations responsible for directing and leading the attacks on Palestinian towns acoss the West Bank during the past four days.

Although Smotrich called on the settlers to “refrain from transgressing the law,” he justified his call by saying that this behavior “harms settlements,” and he did not reject the attacks on the Palestinians.

He urged to set up Israeli military checkpoints at the entrances to Palestinian villages and to search Palestinian citizens entering and leaving them.

In a report published by the Haaretz newspaper today, Sunday, Noa Landau, political commentator for the newspaper, indicated that it was proven that the Israeli occupation army allowed the settlers to carry out the brutal attacks in the town of Hawara three months ago, and did not try to confront them.

Landau stressed that the successive Israeli governments and the Israeli occupation army have always been at the service of the extremist settlers against the defenseless Palestinian people.

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