Monday, June 05, 2023


Two-Year-Old Palestinian Child Succumbs to Israeli Forces’ Gunshot Wounds

T.Sh | DOP - 

Tragic news emerged today, June 5, 2023, as a two-year-old Palestinian child, Mohammed Haitham Tamimi, succumbed to his injuries sustained from Israeli occupation forces’ gunfire.

The child and his father were shot on Thursday evening by Israeli forces in the village of Nabi Saleh, northwest of Ramallah.

According to activist Bilal Tamimi, an Israeli military unit set up an ambush for a vehicle at the entrance of the village.

They pursued and opened live fire at the vehicle, resulting in a bullet striking the two-year-old child in the head.

The father also sustained an injury in his shoulder.

The incident occurred while they were near their home, adjacent to an Israeli military checkpoint erected at the village entrance.

The death of Mohammed Haitham Tamimi highlights the devastating consequences of the ongoing Israeli occupation and the use of excessive force against innocent civilians, including children.

This tragic event serves as a painful reminder of the urgent need for a just resolution for the Palestinian people languishing under the barbaric Israeli occupation.

Official: Israel tortured 170 Palestinian detained children

May 29, 2023

Palestinian children take part in a protest demanding the release of prisoners in Israeli jails in Gaza city on 29 November 2016 [Mohammed Talatene/Apaimages]

May 29, 2023 at 3:25 pm

The Undersecretary of the Palestinian Ministry of Social Development, Assem Khamis, said all 170 Palestinian children who are currently imprisoned by Israel have been subjected to various forms of abuse and torture.

Speaking before the regional conference on preventing grave violations against children in armed conflicts held in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Sunday, Khamis said since 2005 until 2022, Israel has detained 7,500 Palestinian children, adding that the State of Palestine is keen to protect all children from any activity that leads to their involvement in armed conflicts, especially children who have previously been arrested by the Israeli occupation.

"The Israeli occupation seeks, in a permanent and continuous attempt, to obstruct the lives of the Palestinian children, and targets them with arrests, harassment, and expose them to violence and threats," he said.

He called to hold Israel; the occupying state, accountable for violations related to children's rights before international courts, in addition to supporting the Ministry of Development to be able to protect, care and rehabilitate Palestinian children.

Khamis has also called to support international organisations and Palestinian institutions that document the Israeli violations of children's rights, in addition to providing support, assistance, and participation in the Palestinian Child Conference, which will soon be hosted by the Kingdom of Jordan.

The Arab League has also called on the international community to intervene and work seriously to stop Israeli violations against Palestinian children, and to ensure the protection of their rights and safety.

READ: Palestinian children are being targeted by a shadowy campaign group

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