Saturday, June 10, 2023


Carol Vorderman says the Tories are corrupt- and the media is complicit

"They are taking from the poor and they are giving to the already rich."

by Jack Peat

Carol Vorderman has labelled the Conservative Party corrupt as she urges Brits to vote tactically at the next election and consign them to the history books.

Speaking to PoliticsJOE, Carol Vorderman pointed to the raft of crony contracts handed out during the Covid-19 pandemic through so-called ‘VIP lanes’.

In April 2021, campaign group Transparency International found that a fifth of UK government contracts awarded to respond to the covid-19 pandemic last year contained red flag indicators of possible corruption

They identified 73 “questionable contracts” worth more than £3.7 billion in total that warranted further investigation. Most of these (65), worth £2.9 billion, were for personal protective equipment.

“Never, ever in my lifetime have I seen what is patently a corrupt government like this one”, Vorderman said, adding that it is astonishing that there haven’t been more media headlines about it.

“They are taking from the poor and they are giving to the already rich.”

Watch the clip in full below:

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