Tuesday, June 27, 2023

UK nurses fail to hold new strike after insufficient turnout

‘Ballot didn’t reach the required threshold dictated by the 2016 Trade Union Act for a strike mandate to be achieved,' says RCN union

Burak Bir |27.06.2023 - 


A strike by nurses in England will not continue as a ballot by unions did not reach the 50% threshold required to take action, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) union said Tuesday.

Although the majority of nurses voted in favor of the industrial action, the numbers were insufficient as more than 43% took part in the vote.

"To clear the turnout threshold, approximately 140,000 ballot papers needed to be returned in the post and only 122,000 were received by the closing date of Friday 23 June," RCN said in a statement. "With an overall turnout of 43%, the ballot didn’t reach the required threshold dictated by the 2016 Trade Union Act for a strike mandate to be achieved.”

RCN General Secretary Pat Cullen vowed "to fight for the fair pay and safe staffing our profession."

"We have started something special - the voice of nursing has never been stronger and we’re going to keep using it," she said.

Union members rejected a deal in April which would have given them a one-off payment of 2% of their salary, plus a coronavirus recovery bonus of 4% for the current financial year and 5% for next year.


Nursing strikes in England paused due to low ballot turnout

The voter turnout did not meet the legal requirement of 50% necessary for strikes to proceed

FILE PHOTO: NHS nurses hold banners during a strike, amid a dispute with the government over pay, in London, Britain January 18, 2023. REUTERS/Toby Melville/File Photo

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN), Britain’s main nursing trade union, on Tuesday (27) announced that it had been unable to obtain a new mandate for strike action in England.

This development temporarily ends the possibility of additional strikes by tens of thousands of nurses, which has already disrupted a healthcare system under significant strain.

According to the RCN, approximately 84% of participating nurses in the ballot expressed support for further strikes.

However, the voter turnout did not meet the legal requirement of 50% necessary for strikes to proceed.

“The fight for the fair pay and safe staffing that our profession, our patients, and our NHS deserves, is far from over,” RCN General Secretary Pat Cullen said.

Cullen said she was meeting Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Tuesday to discuss the government’s plan for the NHS workforce.

“I know staff morale is low and the staffing crisis is set to worsen without immediate action. I will be telling him this today,” she added.

In April, nurses rejected a 5% pay rise offer by the government which is now being implemented for more than 1 million NHS staff in England after unions representing a majority of workers involved in the dispute voted to accept it.

The National Health Service (NHS) is dealing with record patient backlogs and serious staff shortages, and still faces other strikes involving doctors.

Junior doctors in England last week said they plan to strike for a further five days in July, and a ballot of senior doctors closes on Tuesday.

Hundreds of thousands of workers in Britain including teachers and railway staff have taken strike action over the last year, demanding better pay amid high inflation.

“I hugely value nurses’ work and welcome the end to disruptive strikes so staff can continue caring for patients and cut waiting lists,” health minister Steve Barclay said on Twitter. “I hope other unions recognise it’s time to end their strikes.”

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