Tuesday, June 20, 2023

World Refugee Day, Stand in Solidarity With Palestine Refugees

"I was just 12 years old when we fled. Can you imagine how difficult it is when you are displaced while you are just twelve years old, with successive catastrophes and displacements, and the situation has not changed until now?" said Ibtihaj Dalloul, an 87-year-old Palestine Refugee in Gaza.

Ibthaj's story is only one of the millions of stories of those forced to flee their homes—some, multiple times in their lifetime. 

UNRWA works to preserve the historical heritage of Palestine Refugees and make this history accessible to them. 

Today, we come together with the world to commemorate World Refugee Day, a day to honor the courage, resilience, and contributions of forcibly displaced people around the world, including Palestine Refugees, who are among the world's longest-standing refugees.  

They have endured unimaginable hardships, from displacement, conflict, and poverty to the loss of their homes, loved ones, and the stability that most of us take for granted.

Stand in Solidarity With Palestine Refugees

Amidst this adversity, there is hope. Palestine Refugees have made an indisputable impact on the global community as educators, inventors, entrepreneurs, NASA engineers, human rights activists, etc. We honor their contributions and immense potential to shape our world for the better

Eugene, your continued support has always been crucial to our mission at UNRWA. Today, we humbly request your generous contribution to help Palestine Refugees continue to thrive. 

Here are a few ways you can stand with Palestine Refugees today: 

Thank you for your unwavering support. 

With heartfelt appreciation,
Yasmine El-Maghrabi
UNRWA Digital Fundraising Team

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