Tuesday, July 11, 2023


EU to sanction social media networks that fail to remove posts inciting disobedience, hatred

'Social media platforms have not done enough regarding events in France, and they will need to do more,' says EU commissioner

Esra Taşkın |11.07.2023 - 


The European Union will impose sanctions on social media platforms that fail to remove content inciting disobedience and hatred, Thierry Breton, the European Commissioner for Internal Market, said Monday.

During an interview with French public broadcaster Franceinfo, Breton spoke about the violent incidents that began after the killing of 17-year-old Nahel M. by police gunfire on June 27 in France.

"Social media platforms have not done enough regarding the events in France, and they will need to do more," Breton said.

Reminding that social media platforms will be subject to the EU's Digital Services Act (DSA) from Aug. 25, he said these platforms will be obliged to immediately remove content inciting hatred, disobedience, calling for someone's murder, or setting vehicles on fire.

Emphasizing that platforms failing to remove such content will face penalties, he said the penalties could include financial sanctions or actions such as terminating their activities in EU territories.

Digital Services Act

In April, the European Commission announced a list of large digital platforms and search engines operating in Europe that will be subject to stricter rules under the Digital Services Act.

A total of 19 platforms including Facebook and Twitter will be subject to new and stringent obligations under the law.

These platforms will be required to limit disinformation, promptly remove illegal content, better protect minors on the internet, conduct risk assessments, take steps to reduce risks, and be subject to external audits.

Digital platforms that violate the rules may face fines of up to 6% of their global turnover. In case of repeated violations, these platforms may have to cease their activities in the EU.

Protests in France

Protests erupted after a police officer shot dead Nahel M. during a traffic check in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre after he allegedly ignored orders to stop.

The officer who fired the shot faces a formal investigation for voluntary homicide and has been placed under preliminary detention.

After starting in Nanterre, the protests quickly spread to other cities including Lyon, Toulouse, Lille and Marseille.

Tensions rose following clashes between the police and protesters before losing steam this week.

Australia examines foreign social media interference

Sydney, Australia, Jul 11 (EFE).- An Australian parliamentary commission was examining foreign interference in social media Tuesday through public hearings, in which the directors of Meta, Twitter, TikTok and Google were to appear, though Chinese platform Wechat refused to participate.

Commission chairman James Paterson said during a session, broadcast on the Canberra Legislature channel, that the group would deliver a report to parliament on Aug. 1 with “recommendations to ensure the integrity and transparency of all media platforms organizations operating in Australia and protect the freedoms of Australians online.”

The commission to investigate possible foreign interference in social media was created in November 2022 due to growing concerns about the use of new technological tactics, such as artificial intelligence, in the context of increasing geopolitical tensions.

About Wechat’s refusal to participate in the proceedings, Paterson said it could be interpreted as “contempt,” although adding that authorities in his country cannot force the managers to appear because they do not have representatives in Australia.

Between Tuesday and Wednesday, the commission will hear from directors and representatives of the main social networks, as well as various officials and representatives of Australian official bodies.

The group planned to hear Tuesday the senior representatives of Twitter, TikTok and Google, and to continue Wednesday with public hearings of officials from the interior office, prosecutor’s office and the electronic security commission, among others.

Josh Machin, Public Policies director of Meta – which owns Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp – said the company has the “aspiration” to apply labels to state media and a fact-checking system in its new social network Threads.

He did not specify when these functions would be available on the new platform, seen as a rival to Twitter and which already has some 100 million users since it was created almost a week ago.

“Labels for state media and fact-checking are areas where we see a lot of value and our aspiration is to develop them rapidly,” Machin said.

“In the event that any state-affiliated media outlet violates our policies, we will remove it,” Machin added, addressing Paterson’s question about media labels such as China’s state news agency Xinhua or Russian public network RT.

The commission is also expected to hear Tuesday from three representatives in Australia of Chinese app TikTok, banned in April on government mobile phones and devices for cybersecurity reasons due to fear of possible “foreign interference.”

The move followed in the footsteps of other countries that have imposed restrictions on the use of TikTok, such as the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the European Union, fearing Chinese authorities could violate the right to privacy through the data collected in this application. EFE


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