Wednesday, July 12, 2023

‘Azad found himself in the PKK’

"We will always keep internationalism alive," said HPG commander Serhad Jîhat, paying tribute to a guerrilla fighter from Germany, Azad Şerger (Thomas), who fell resisting Turkish invasion of Kurdistan in June.

Sunday, 9 Jul 2023,

Azad Şerger, Thomas Johann S. from Germany was one of the three guerrillas who fell on June 15 while resisting the Turkish occupation in the region of Xakurke in the guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). The three guerrillas lost their lives during an action which left 18 soldiers of the Turkish army dead.

Serhad Jîhat, a commander of the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) spoke to ANF about his impressions of internationalist fighter Azad Şerger, saying the following:

"Comrade Azad had a realistic attitude in life. In a conversation he said that he found himself in the PKK and saw the PKK as the way to liberate humanity. He was attached to the PKK and the Kurdish people and considered the Kurdish people as his own people. Looking at him, he gave the impression that he had been living in Kurdistan for many years. He studied the philosophy of leader Abdullah Öcalan and was hardworking and practical. He was immediately involved in any work that came up; he was skillful and had become an expert in guerrilla life. He was disciplined and mastered many tactics. Moreover, he was constantly educating and developing himself.

Comrade Azad was a revolutionary who can serve as a role model for Kurdish youth. Kurdistan is occupied and we are denied our identity and our rights. Comrade Azad came from Germany and fought. He sacrificed himself for the Kurdish people. Kurdish youth should stand up even more for Kurdistan and their people. Due to the prevailing conditions, maybe not everyone can come to the mountains, but everyone can fight with the spirit of Comrade Azad everywhere.

The action led by Asya Kanîreş, Koçer Medya and Azad Şerger showed a willingness to sacrifice. The Turkish state would not have thought it possible that this military post would be attacked. They fought there and dealt a heavy blow to the occupiers. Thanks to them, our hope and belief in freedom have become even greater. As HPG and YJA Star, we will continue the struggle of our fallen comrades. We will always keep internationalism alive. As companions of Azad, Asya and Koçer, we promise their families that we will avenge them and follow in their footsteps to the very end."

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