Saturday, July 29, 2023

US actor Dwayne Johnson donates seven-figure amount to help actors on strike

American actor Dwayne Johnson has donated an undisclosed amount to aid actors on strike.
 — Picture via Instagram/therock

By Sylvia Looi
Wednesday, 26 Jul 2023

KUALA LUMPUR, July 26 — Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has donated an undisclosed sum to The Screen Actors Guild — American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) following their decision to go on strike.

The Black Adam and Fast and Furious franchise star’s team had contacted the SAG-AFTRA Foundation, a non-profit organisation associated with the union, but not part of it, following a letter to 2,700 of the union’s highest-earning actors detailing the financial need that many would face following the work stoppage, Variety reported.

SAG-AFTRA Foundation president Courtney B. Vance said while the exact sum was being kept confidential but it was to the tune of seven figures, he was heartened by the A-lister’s generosity as it would send a message to others to do the same thing.

The foundation’s executive director Cyd Wilson said the SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s grants deliver up to US$1,500 (RM6,843) per individual member.

However, in extreme conditions where there are health issues or other situations that indicate an actor is in serious jeopardy, a lifetime member can receive up to US$6,000 (RM27,375) in emergency financial assistance.

Hence, Johnson’s donation will aid thousands of actors which Wilson estimates between 7,000 to 10,000 members will need these services.

It was previously reported that Hollywood actors went on strike at midnight July 14 after last-ditch talks with studios on their demands over dwindling pay and the threat posed by artificial intelligence ended without a deal.

Prior to the actors' strike, writers also spent weeks protesting outside the headquarters of the likes of Disney and Netflix, after their similar demands were not met, according to AFP.

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