Saturday, July 08, 2023

Trudeau says winning Calgary Heritage byelection would show Liberals’ strength
Western Standard

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the Calgary Heritage byelection “an opportunity to send a message about the kind of country we want for our kids’ future, the better future we need.”
Courtesy Jonathan Bradley/Western Standard

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the Calgary Heritage byelection is “an opportunity to send a message about the kind of country we want for our kids’ future, the better future we need.”

“There’s a lot of reasons to be anxious and worried about the future,” said Trudeau at a Friday rally at the Haysboro Community Association.

“The question we have to ask ourselves as Canadians is what do we do given these challenges.”

Trudeau said the Conservatives want to complain about Canada being broken and act angry about it while not addressing problems. Rather than that, he said the Liberals will do what generations of people have done in challenging moments.

Canadians roll up their sleeves, get to work, and lean on each other. They build ambitious futures for themselves by having hope and optimism.

The prime minister went on to say that is the choice Canadians are facing. He said he is envious of Calgary Heritage because they can send this message right now.

He blasted Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre for choosing a candidate who he was friends with and lived in Ottawa up until recently. If people vote for Liberal candidate Elliot Weinstein (Calgary Heritage, AB), he said they will be choosing a positive, hopeful vision for Canada.

Trudeau said the Canadian government has prioritized finding solutions in the last eight years.
Courtesy Jonathan Bradley/Western Standard

Trudeau continued by saying the Canadian government has been focused on finding solutions over the past eight years. The first measure the Liberals took was bringing in the Canada Child Benefit, which has lifted 500,000 children out of poverty.

While the Conservatives pushed trickle down economics, it raised income taxes on the wealthiest 1% and lowered them on the middle class. These tax cuts stimulated the economy.

He said the only way to build a strong economy for the future is to fund clean energy. As the Conservatives debate about whether or not climate change exists, he said the Liberals will make Canada a leader in fighting it.

He pledged to stand up for the rights of non-white people, religious minorities, and sexual minorities. The Liberals will continue to be there to ensure every one’s rights respected.

The more Canada brings people together from other places and stories, he said the better it will be at developing resilient solutions the world needs. That is why Weinstein needs to be elected MP.

While it is the Calgary Stampede and people are celebrating Western Canadian culture, Trudeau said he “needs you to take that extra step as well to make sure we’re rolling up our sleeves, going to knock doors and making phone calls and talking to neighbours and sending that message that we’re here for a real purpose.”

“We are here to send a clear message that Canada is not broken, that Calgary Heritage is not broken, that we are able to tackle everything as long as we lean in together, trust science, trust each other, to build a better future with Elliot in Ottawa,” he said.

Weinstein said he is going to be the next MP for Calgary Heritage.

“I’m running for the Liberals because the Liberals have done so much for us,” he said.

“The $10 a day daycare has supported my family and so many others in Calgary and across Canada.”

He said the Canada Child Benefit has done plenty for families. The Liberals cut taxes on families like his.

Weinstein said he is going to be the next MP for Calgary Heritage.Courtesy 
Jonathan Bradley/Western Standard

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